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After that call with Jack, Mark was wide awake. Any traces of sleep leaving him, and his mind focused on his love who was who knew where. He sighs rolling over to his side and staring off into the dark room, his bed felt empty without the Irish man there. It was cold, Mark's body missing his warmth.

A small smile forms on his face, hidden by the dark, as he thinks about waking up next to Jack every day. Making him breakfast every morning and watching the smile on his face as the smell drifted into the bedroom waking him up.

His life was good, and he thought Jack had finally opened up to him fully, but he hadn't. He hid a huge part of his past from Mark, but it was understandable. Those robberies were huge, all over the news when they had happened. It had intrigued Mark, he remembered seeing it, of course it was a huge crime, but it was impressive, no one could lie about that.

Eventually Mark did fall into a restless sleep, his body not being able to handle the exhaustion his mind felt.

The next morning Mark is woken up by his phone buzzing. His eyes open slowly as his mind tries to recognize the noise, once his alertness returned he jumps up. A part of him expecting it to be Jack, but another part knowing the Irish man wouldn't call for a while.


Mark asks immediately after picking the phone up, his voice showing a slight excitement.

"Hey it's PJ."

The man says on the other end, his British accent clearly recognizable. Mark pushes back his feeling of disappointment before responding, his excitement replaced with exhaustion.

"Hey... What's up?"

Mark mutters trying to hide his disappointment but failing miserably.

"Expecting someone else."

PJ questions, clearly picking up on the man's disappointment. Mark hesitates, running a hand through his hair. PJ had said to tell him if he found anything out, but Mark didn't plan on snitching that easily.

"No... no... It's just really early.... What do you want?"

Mark mumbles into the phone, his voice quiet and exhausted.

"I need you to come over to the station."

The Brit replies simply, something in the tone of his voice showing he didn't plan on going into detail.

"At 6am?"

Mark sighs, making sure his voice showed his pure annoyance.

"Just get over here."

PJ growls quietly before the call ends. Mark sighs and puts the phone down, pushing back the urge to throw the phone across the room and go back to bed. It was early after all, and he wasn't a morning person.

Eventually he gets himself out of bed, throwing on a pair of blue jeans, and a simple red flannel shirt, the color just slightly darker than his dyed hair. He doesn't even bother brushing the mess on top of his head, simply running his fingers through it and calling it good.

He shoves his phone into his pocket and grabs his keys before walking out the door. He doesn't go straight to the station but instead drives over to a small coffee shop, grabbing a Latte and then making his way to the station. By the time he made it there about half an hour passed, and when he walked in PJ was clearly pissed no matter how much he tried to hide it.

"It's about damn time..."

The British man grumbles as Mark walks in the door, his green eyes glancing over at the coffee Mark held in an annoyed fashion. Mark's mouth curves into a small smile as he sees the man's anger.

"Hey if you're going to make me come here at 6 in the morning, I'm at least getting some coffee."

Mark retorts, his smirk not fading and simply making the man roll his eyes. PJ gestures for Mark to follow him and leads him down a hallway. Soon they end up in an interrogation room, not the same one from before, but the same layout. Mark sits across from him with a sigh.

"Always with the interrogation room... Why don't you take me out to dinner or something next time?"

Mark murmurs shooting a look at the Brit who sat across from him.

"This way it's more private..."

PJ explains simply, his annoyance still clear though he covered it with a small, polite smile. Mark rolls his eyes and slouches in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Whatever... So why am I here?"

Mark finally asks. PJ smiles, as though he was waiting for Mark to ask that question.

"Well we had your house searched while you were here yesterday."

PJ begins.


Mark mutters, interrupting the Brit. The brown haired man ignores him and continues.

"Well Sean's phone was nowhere to be found, so we assumed he took it with him. If we call, we know he won't answer. So, we want you to try calling him, see if he'll answer you."

PJ explains simply. Mark watches him, raising one of his eyebrows. Did this man really think Jack was that stupid to not throw his phone away? Mark sighs after thinking and simply nods, he knew it was no use but would comply anyway.


Mark shrugs pulling out his cellphone from his pocket. Mark scrolls through his contacts until he comes across Sean, his name followed by a heart.

"Put it on speaker."

PJ orders as Mark clicks the call button. Mark rolls his eyes and puts it on speaker, the ringing echoing around the room. PJ sat expectantly while Mark simply was bored, already knowing Jack wouldn't answer.


An Irish accent asks finally, after a long time. Mark's eyes widen as Jack's voice is easily recognizable and PJ's mouth curves into a large grin. Mark opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by the voice on the other end. The Irish man bursts into a laughter on the other end, his laugh making Mark's heart jump and PJ to stare in confusion.


The accented voice yells over the phone.

"Hello whatever cop is with Mark at the moment."

Sean's voice continues, Mark's mouth curving into an amused grin and PJ's face contorting angrily.

"You bastards won't ever get me, but go ahead and keep trying, I love a good chase."

Sean finishes, the smirk evident in his voice. This was some big game to him, just something fun to do. With that last sentence a beep sounds, indicating to leave a message. Mark hangs up, holding back laughter as PJ growls.

"Is this funny to you Mr. Fischbach?"

The Brit growls, his green eyes glancing up at the red haired man who finally releases his laughter. Once he collects himself, Mark looks at the officer across from him with a smirk, and his brown eyes dancing with amusement.

"Absolutely hilarious."

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