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Mentari bercanda bersama alam semua,

tapi di sudut relungmu ada muram durja

Purnama menggoda membisik manja,

tetap tiada ceria menjengukmu juga

Setelah hari ini berlari pergi

dan esok datang bertamu lagi,

akankah ada senyummu nanti

pertanda luka telah terobati?

Seberat apa beban di pikulanmu,

beri tahu aku arjunaku

Sekeras apa hidup menantangmu

selalu ada penghiburanku, cinta, dan doaku

Berikan aku waktu sedikit saja

Tuk kembalikan lagu hatimu yang dulu

Lalu beri aku senyummu sepercik saja

agar ku tak resah turut bersendu

The sun is joking with all universe
but on your corner there was grim spirit
The moon teases, whispering intimately
still no joy comes to see you

After this day go running,

and tomorrow come visiting again,
will there be a smile later,
a sign that the wounds have been treated?

How heavy is the load in your yoke,
let me know, my love
no matter how hard life challenges you,
there is always my solace, love, and prayer

Give me a little time
to bring back your heart song
then give me your smile just a glimmer
so I do not fret co wistfully

KUMPULAN PUISI (MIXED POEMS)Where stories live. Discover now