"Damon!" Elena scolded.

"It's okay, it's true, but I'm trying to graduate high school during my first life... but if you really think you need my help... then sure, I'll go. I will help you get the story from Rebekah," Beth stated with a forced smile.


Beth couldn't believe she had agreed to help. She honestly didn't want to, it felt wrong, but not helping felt wrong too. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place. But before she knew it, she was walking over to Rebekah with Elena by her side.

"You! Goody," Rebekah exclaimed sarcastically as she looked over at the brunette. Elena rolled her eyes but before she could talk the strawberry blonde intervened.

"Hey, Rebekah," she smiled.

"Beth," was all Rebekah said as she kept her stare fixed at the doppelganger.

"I was hoping we could talk," said Elena.

"About what? Stefan? Don't worry, I'm off him until he starts treating me better. In fact, you should probably take a page out of my book, if I'm being honest," the original remarked.

"Actually, I'd rather talk about this," the doppelganger announced as she held up a printed copy of the original's name in runic.

"I'm curious why you and Klaus have spent a thousand years running from your father."

The blonde looked taken back as she looked at the picture and heard Elena's words. Anyone including the two girls in front of her could tell that it had struck a cord.

"I should get back to the girls," Rebekah said as she composed herself. "Homecoming's right around the corner," she added before turning to leave.

Elena yelled from behind, "Well then, maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him." The original stopped and turned back to stare at the girl.

"You're bluffing! You don't know where he is. No one does," Rebekah shouted.

"So, then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?"

"If you wake Mikael, we are all  doomed!" Rebekah exclaimed.

"So then, tell me."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Why don't you want me to wake him?" Elena questioned.

"I need to get back to the girls," she repeated before she walked away.

"Come on, Beth. Let's just go. Well have better luke deciphering the carvings," Elena huffed in annoyance before turning to leave.

"I'll catch up with you later," the strawberry blonde called out before the doppelganger nodded. Beth then went on to approach the original again.

"I already told her no, Beth. Don't try to convince me otherwise," Rebekah said with a roll of her crystal blue eyes. "I like you, but don't push it."

"I am perfectly aware that you don't like her but she won't stop until you tell her."

"Beth, I don't care, my answer won't change."

"Rebekah, you know they'll wake Mikael if you don't tell them. I can't stop them and you won't either, so they might as well know the risks and right now you are the only person who can tell them," Beth explained.

"Why are you helping them?" She questioned.

"I'm not, I can't. I just think it's better if they know. I don't want anything to happen to my friends including you and I don't want anything happening to..." She trailed off.

"To Nik," Rebekah finished.

"Yeah," Beth nodded. "I don't want anything to happen to him either... which is why I can't help them past this. If you decide to tell your story, tell them I went home," Beth added before walking away.


Next time on Pure Happiness

"Beth, it's Rebekah, I-I need to tell you something."


Author's Note

I've been gone forever and honestly I don't know how better the updating can get because I've been very busy. There's my regular high school classes and college classes and I'm running for my class office for next year. And I have FFA competitions every Saturday now so my schedule is actually pretty big. Basically the only day off I have are Sundays after I go to church but I usually use those as family days. So I'm sorry if I don't update often.

Question: Did you actually think she was going to help them and do you still think that?

Much Love,

Natalie ♡

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