Chapter 1

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Iruka was in the middle of his lecture on the First Hokage's reign when the door to his class slammed open. He looked to see who thought it would be a good idea to do such a thing only to see a bloodied, beaten Naruto who was using the door frame to keep himself from collapsing. Iruka gasped and so did Naruto's classmates as they looked at his various injuries and scars. Naruto's clothes were torn and were barely covering him which allowed everyone to see the words carved into his chest. 'DEMON SCUM' were carved clearly on his chest and were bleeding profusely.
      His right arm and his left leg also appeared to be broken with how they bent at a horrible angle to the point that Iruka and the class thought that if pushed in  the right way could cause the bone to stab out of his flesh in a terrifying way. Naruto looked straight into Iruka's eyes and grinned "I made it today..." He then proceeded to cough up blood before he passed out and fell onto the ground with a dull wet thud. Iruka immediately grabbed him and started to stop the blood flow. Iruka then quickly sent out a pulse of Chakra and an ANBU in a Turtle showed up "What's the problem?" Iruka handed Naruto to Turtle " I need you to take Naruto to the ANBU hospital NOW! He won't survive if you don't" Turtle nodded "Alright Dolphin...I'll send a message to Hokage-sama as well." Iruka nodded and Turtle shushined away making sure Naruto would be okay. Iruka looked back at the pool of blood near the door of his class where Naruto had stood and sighed tiredly "I'm sorry, but I need you all to go outside while I clean up the blood. I'll explain what happened as soon as you get back "
     The class reluctantly left and Iruka quickly cleaned up the blood with a quick and simple water jutsu while also airing out the class to make sure those who had sensitive noses wouldn't have to suffer too mich from the smell. By the time he finished the kids had come inside again and were back in their seats, some look very scared as well as worried for the bright blond they had known as their class clown. Iruka looked at them and sighed "Do you have any questions about what happened?" They all started questioning him at once before Iruka got fed up with the noise and silenced them all effectively "One at a time and raise your hands" Everyone raised their hand. Iruka pointed at Ino Yamanaka "Yes Ino?"
        Ino hesitated for a second before asking her question though her body language clearly announced her nervousness and her fear "Why did you seem unaffected by what happened to Naruto?" Iruka closed his eyes then pinched his nose slightly "I was young and it had been only a couple years since the Kyuubi attack. I had just gotten my chuunin rank six months ago when I was approached by ANBU to work part-time with them because they have been short staffed since the attack. I agreed and the squad I was assigned to was in charge of guarding Naruto when he was a young boy only about 3 at the time. I though it wouldn't be hard because I had done babysitting all the time as a Genin....oh how wrong I was" Iruke wiped a tear away "I never wanted to kill a person more in my life than I did then. Those matrons didn't deserve the mercy they got" Iruka looked back at the children and then pointed at Sasuke who raised his hand
      Sasuke raised his hand "Who were on the squad with you?" Iruka sighed "Sorry I can't reveal them to you. ANBU take their identites serious and to betray that would be like betraying your village." Before anyone else could sayy anything else Turtle came back "Hokage-sama wants to see you after class to get your side of the story. And I give you permission to reveal the identites of those who are no longer with us." Iruka nodded and smiled a bit "Thank you Turtle....mind sending reports on Naruto's health please"  Turtle nodded and left after . Iruka turned back to Sasuke " Alright the ANBU on the same squad as I were Weasel who was Itachi Uchiha, Inu who is still on duty, Tora is still on duty as well, Crow was Shishui Uchiha, Lion was Hayate Gekko and Neko is still on duty" Sasuke looked at Iruka in surprise "My brother and his bestfriend both protected the dobe?! Why them? "
        Iruka nodded and smiled sadly "Yes they both cared for Naruto very much. They left him training scroll and all sorts of things. They felt ashamed that some of their clansmen participated in some of Naruto's worst beating. " Sasuke's eyes widen and Iruka continued "I remember when it was Naruto 7th birthday he managed to temporarily escape from our sights and into the Kyuubi festival held on his birthday. He was beaten so bad he was in the ICU of the ANBU hospital with a 10 percent chance of living. He had so many broken bones and had lost so much blood that it took fourteen ANBU each to hold down Itachi and Shisui from killing each and every last one of those who hurt Naruto. They cared for him very much....we all did because we saw the real Naruto...the small, sad  little boy who just wanted to be accepted by his village"
     The class was quiet before Shikamaru spoke "Why would anyone attack Naruto? Sure his pranks can be annoying, but they shouldn't cause people to hate him to the very point of murdering him" Iruka sighed "I'm sorry, but the reason why is an S-class village secret that cannot be said on the fear of execution. The only one who can tell you is Hokage-sama and Naruto, though Naruto doesn't know the secret yet either." Sakura raised her hand "Iruka-sensei how hard is Naruto-baka's life exactly"
      Iruka looked at Sakura and frowned at the way she addressed him "Here's a short summary of his life. At the age of four he was kicked out of the orphanage and forced to live on the streets, eating out of garbage cans in order to stay alive, and anytime someone actually gave him food it was extremely expired or was poisoned. By the time he was seven he had over 823 assassination attempts on his life. By the time he was eight, every person in this damn village had tried to kill him at least twice. When he was nine he was finally accepted into the Academy only to have practically every teacher hate him and every time he would even raise his hand to ask a simple question he would be forced to stay after school where the teachers would beat him. Until I became an instructor and told Hokage-sama what they were doing and they were punished extremely for what they were doing. That's also why Naruto acts stupid and doesn't try to excel anymore...the other instructors always marked his work as wrong even though he was right hence the reason he was held back two years. The Hokage sees Naruto as his grandson and cares very much for him, he regrets that he can't do much for him. Also not only that, but Naruto is severely overcharged in nearly every store he goes into. The only was that treat him kindly are the ones run by non-civilians who respect Naruto for never giving up despite all that has happened to him. They know that the way Naruto has been treated is something most Jonin and ANBU would go insane from"
   The class was shocked at the treatment that their cheerful classmate has endured throughout his entire life. Most of the girls were crying while many vowed to treat the blonde better, their parents opinion be damned. Those from Ninja clans were more determined to be friends (or more) with Naruto. Iruka saw that his class was determined and smiled softly. He couldn't help, but think maybe today would change Naruto's life for the better 'It looks like Naruto is in for a little surprise when he comes back. I hope they will be able to break past Naruto's walls and get him to come out from behind his idiotic mask. He need people who support and love him'


Hey guys I hope you like this new story..... I know I should be working on my other stories....don't worry I am. I'll be publishing new chapters in a couple days. Well bye for now!

Also I updated this chapter because I think I feel its too simple

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