~ Chapter Seventeen ~

Start from the beginning

Jason licked his lips as he stared Justin directly in his hazel eyes and he gulped.
"It was for the best." He replied and Justin nodded immediately, closing his eyes and a few tears leaked out but Jason was quick to wipe them away.
"I know Jason. It took me a while but I know now, you don't have to be sorry." He told him and Jason's heart fluttered at the sound. He knew that Justin was hurting but at least now Jason could continue to fix him without worrying about Jordan hurting him further. Justin was safe now and Jason was sure he'd never be in danger again.

Justin dropped his hand from Jason's cheek and let in fall on Jason's lap inside, reaching out and intertwining their hands together. He bent down and kissed Jason's hands sweetly and he grinned a little.
"I'm sorry that you got dragged into my mess." Justin chuckled, his eyes looking up at Jason but the blonde shook his head at him.
"I dragged myself." Jason smiled a little and Justin bit his lip.
"You're eager, I can say that much." Justin replied and Jason's chest rumbled as he laughed and Justin clutched the blondes hand even tighter.
"I fight for what I want." Jason replied and the room fell silent again as Justin's eyes flicked up from their locked hands and to stare Jason in those gorgeous blue eyes that manage to capture Justin's heart every time he looks into them.
"And what do you want?" Justin spoke out, his voice quiet and husky but Jason heard him clearly. The blonde ran his tongue over his once dry lips as he ran his thumb over Justin's hands.
"I wanted you to be safe." He told him and Justin held his lip between his teeth as his eyes scanned over Jason's face.
"Well I'm safe now." He replied quietly and Jason nodded slowly, he leaned his body forward and rested his forehead against Justin's and he let himself sigh.
"I want to be the one to keep you safe, Justin." Jason breathed and Justin closed his eyes as he let himself relax in the presence of the man.

The room once once again silent but the atmosphere screamed with tension. Jason had waited so long to be this close to Justin, he had dreamed of holding him like this and he'd imagined this moment over and over in his mind many times before.

He could see how broken Justin was, he could see how empty Jordan had left him and he wanted to do nothing more than to help put him back together. He wanted to show Justin what it is like to be in a real relationship, with a man who loved him and would treat him right. Jason was that man, he knew he was and he was praying Justin could feel it too. They were meant to be together, why else would they have been put in each other's paths?

Jason's eyes snapped open as Justin's arms wrapped around his neck and his heart fluttered when he felt the brunette nuzzle his face into the crook of his neck.
"Why did you stick around?" Justin questioned, he didn't move from his position and Jason took he opportunity to wrap his arms around the man's bare body.
"Why wouldn't I?" Jason asked and Justin shook his head and pulled back, letting himself stare Jason in the eyes again and he was amazed by the love that he could see swirling around in those ocean blues. He's never known someone like Jason -  a soul as pure as his was rare and Justin was lucky to have met him. It saddened him that he was only just noticing all this now.
"You must think I'm so stupid." Justin chuckled sarcastically as he let his head fall again, Jason shouldn't waste his time on him. All he's ever done was mess the man around - he cared about Jordan and that was it. He couldn't see how toxic the man really was and it made him sick that he's caused Jason all this trouble.

Jason shook his head immediately as he pulled his hands away from Justin's to hold his cheeks, gently forcing Justin to look at him again and Justin gulped at his soft touch.
"You're not stupid Justin, I definitely don't think that and you shouldn't either." Jason spoken sternly. His tone wasn't rough or angry but he was soothing and sweet, like he always was.
"I should have listened to you. Maybe we wouldn't be here now if I did." He mumbled but once again Jason shook his head.
"The only thing that matters now is that Jordan is gone. He can't hurt you anymore, nobody is ever going to hurt you again Justin. I promise you." Jason stressed, his voice broke a little and he hadn't even realised that a few tears had slipped from his eyes as he spoke.

Justin's eyes looked up as a tear slipped down from Jason's cheeks and dropped down onto his own hand. His heart clenched at the side of his watery crystal eyes and bit his lip.
"Why are you crying?" Justin asked quietly. Jason smiled a soft smile as he let his hand dropped from Justin's cheeks as the brunette ran his fingers across his face to wipe away the tears. Jason shook his head and reached up to grip Justin's hands.
"I love you Justin." He pushed out. The words were sudden and caused a few more tears to fall from his eyes as he looked down and felt his breath catch. He meant every word and he couldn't hold them back anymore - the emotion was too strong and it was hurting him by keeping it to himself.

He was in love with Justin, madly and unconditionally in love with him and he knew that he couldn't go another second without the brunette knowing how he felt.

Justin stared up at him with wide eyes. Jason was staring at their hands that were still locked together and the brunette's heart clenched at the sight of the man who was sitting in front of him and bearing his soul to him. His beautiful soul.
"Jason..." Justin spoke. He didn't receive a reply and his own eyes watered as a few of Jason's tears ran down his face and dropped onto their hands. Justin crawled closer, which was hard considering they were practically sitting on each other. He cleared his throat and rested his hand underneath Jason's chin and gently pulled his face up to look at him.

Jason's eyes were glazed with tears and Justin knew that his amazing heart was overwhelmed with emotion and it he was a beautiful sight. He nodded at him and Jason almost seemed confused for a moment but it was short lived before Justin pushed himself forward and crashed his lips against Jason's to pull him into a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around Jason's neck, his fingers looping themselves in the man's blonde hair and he held onto him tightly as he kissed him with so much care. Jason kissed back with just as much emotion and it was overwhelming. His heart was beating against his chest and for a moment he was worried it was going to stop. He had waited so long, been so desperate to feel this close with Justin and he couldn't breath. It was perfect, Justin was perfect and this was everything he wanted, everything he needed.

Jason had been kissed before but nothing compared to this. His heart was swollen and it throbbed as Justin moved against his lips with so much passion and Jason felt like he was suffocating, yet he never wanted it to stop. It was the kind of kiss that made Jason realise that he had never been more in love in his entire life than he was right now with Justin. He never wanted to let go and he never would. He couldn't explain it, he just knew that this is what he wanted.

Justin pulled back, breathing loudly and he clutched onto Jason as if he would suddenly fade away. A tear slipped from his eyes and he whimpered slightly as he quickly leaned forward again and kissed Jason's lips once more. It was desperate and he could taste his own tears but he hadn't realised how much he had wanted to do this. He hadn't realised how much he needed Jason. He pulled back again and Jason leaned forward and ran his lips against Justin's cheek as he pecked it quickly.
"Jason." Justin spoke up and Jason nodded against him, his voice stolen by the passion from the kiss and he was overwhelmed with how he felt. Justin licked his lips and gulped.
"I think I love you too." He whispered and he felt Jason smile against his cheek as he pulled him in closer.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear that." The blonde mumbled against him and Justin smiled bright smile and Jordan had disappeared from his mind.

He didn't know how long Jason had been holding his heart. He wasn't sure what he had done to deserve this love but he did know that he wasn't ever going to let it go. He was in love with Jason and as much as the thought scared him he had complete trust in Jason to keep his heart safe and that's why he let himself relax into the man's arms and they both lay basking in each other's love with not another thought to anything except each other.

Hi guys! Sorry it's been a while.
I hope you liked this chapter, I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I don't really like the ending.
Anyway, I think this chapter is only going to have one, maybe two more chapters to go. *cry* this is my baby, I'm so scared to end it.
Anyway, until next time

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