~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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~ Read End Notes ~

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

~ Read End Notes ~

Justin stared forward into the empty road ahead of him. He had driven here from McCann enterprises and he's been here for at least an hour now. Doing what? He didn't know but he didn't want to go home just yet.

He'd forgotten Jordan's papers.

He sighed loudly and gripped onto the steering wheel of his car, his knuckles turning white with the pressure and he began to shake it aggressively, as if he were trying to pull the whole thing out and he yelled out in frustration, his voice breaking and going hoarse before he abruptly stopped pulling at the wheel and crashing his head forward to rest again the black leather. He was so lost, torn between what to do and how to do it.

Jason knew about Jordan now and there's was no way in hell that he would leave it alone. Justin has pulled him in too deep and Jason's not the type of person to give up so easily, Justin wasn't sure if he loved him for it or hated him. What would he do now? Jason knows, Justin told him and now Jason knows. It not long until everyone else will know as well and Jordan will hate Justin for it.

His phone rang and vibrated against Justin's thigh and the sudden noise made him jump. His raw eyes snapping open and he looked around the car and leaned back in his seat before digging his hand into his pocket to pull the cellphone out of his pocket.
"Hello?" He answered quietly, his voice drained of all emotion and he didn't even care anymore who he was talking to.
"J, that's me just heading back to your house now. I'll be there in about an hour." The other line chirped cheerily and Justin furrowed his eyebrows. He knew it was Hailey but he didn't have a clue what she was talking about.
"What?" He muttered as he brought his hand up and rubbed at his eyes, closing them in irritation and waited for Hailey to reply.
"Didn't you get my text last night?" She questioned, her tone shifting a little as well and Justin shook his head.
"No." He replied abruptly and Hailey was silent on the other line for a moment.
"Justin... is everything alright?" She asked and once again her time shifted to a worried one and all that was heard over the line was a long sigh before everything fell silent and Justin chuckled to himself.
"No not really Hailey. I fucked up." He groaned and his eyes opened again to look over the his bare surroundings.
"What do you mean?" Hailey spoke and Justin could hear her keys clinging in the background noise and once again he shook his head. Sighing a little and then licking his lips.
"I-I forgot to take Jordan's papers." He mumbled quietly and Hailey fell silent for a moment.
"Is that all?" She replied back and Justin gulped before answering her back.
"Yeah." Was all he managed and he felt his eyes closing again, tears squeezing out and his head dropped back to lean against the leather head rest.
"Okay... um, well I'll see you soon babe." She said and Justin could tell she was smiling and he nodded, dropping the phone from his ear and hanging up without even replying to her.

He looked down at his phone. Scrolling through the different apps and opening up the message app to read the message he was supposed to have read before his conversation with Hailey.
He bite his lip as he read over the content in the little blue bubble.

"Hey sexy, I'm just going to crash at mine tonight. It's too late for me to drive back but I'll come over tomorrow. Sweet dreams x"

Hailey hadn't come home last night and he didn't even notice. Some friend he is. He locked his phone and then shoved his back into his pocket before leaning forward and starting up his car, the loud sound of the engine forcing him to gather his thoughts again before he pulled out from the side of the road.


Justin felt a little relieved when he saw the roof of his home in the distance as he rounded the hill. He's not heard from Jordan since he left which was a good sign that nothing had happened while he was away and he was glad to have some sort of hope that Jason hadn't said anything to anyone about what he had told him. He felt relieved to have a little hope that everything was going to stay the way they are.

He licked his lips as he pulled into his driveway, furrowing his eyebrows slightly when he noticed two extra cars alongside Jordan's. One of those extra cars being a police car, his hope drained from his body and worry began to fill. He didn't know who the car belonged, nor could he really find it inside him to worry about it as he quickly parked his car behind the unknown SUV and quickly rushed towards his front door. His stomach dropped when he heard yelling coming from inside, angry yelling from the unmistakable voice of his fiancé.

He pushed the door open and his eyes immediately darted around the room for any sort of commotion. He was met with the sight of Jordan attempting to wrestle the two police officers. His eyes widened and he rushed over to help him when all of a sudden a strong set of arms were wrapped around his torso and held him back.
"Stop!" Justin yelled as he turned his around to try and plead with whoever was preventing him from running over to Jordan. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw Jason's ocean blue eyes staring down and him.
"Jason?" He questioned confused before his head whipped round to see Jordan up against the wall, one of the officers cuffing his wrists together and he shook his head.
"What are they doing?! What did you do Jason?" Justin yelled as he struggled against the man that held him, unable to do anything he watched as the officer began to talk.
"Jordan Bevell, you are under arrest for the solicitation of prostitution and also for resisting arrest. You have the right to remain silent although..." his voice faded off and Justin felt his head fall to the floor as a lump began to form in his throat.

His knees weakened and he felt himself slump in Jason's arms.
"What are they talking about?" He spoke out, his voice projecting to nobody in particular but Jason was the one to answer as he pulled Justin up into his arms.
"He's been seeing prostitutes Justin. He's not who you think he is." Jason spoke out and Justin's eyes blurred as he shook his head.
"You're lying." He mumbled out, shaking around in the blondes arms as he looked over at Jordan who had now took notice of his presence.
"You call my lawyer Justin. You call them!" Jordan yelled out as the officer dragged him away and Justin nodded his head as he tried to follow along.
"Is it true?" He squeaked out. His voice hoarse and eyes watery but Jordan shook his head.

Justin watched with heartbroken eyes as they forced his fiancé into the back of their car. Jordan wouldn't do this to him, he loved him. Only him and he wouldn't sleep with anybody else other than him.

He reached his hands up to wipe his watery eyes as he turned his body to see Jason walking out of the house and towards him.
"There's evidence Justin. He's guilty." Jason spoke out and Justin licked his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.
"You called the cops?" Justin muttered out bitterly, refusing to meet Jason's eye contact but he knew Jason was nodding.
"I needed you to see him for who he really is." Jason replied and Justin bit the inside of his cheek before looking up into his eyes.
"He's a violent, evil man that took advantage of a vulnerable teenager that had just moved to a whole new country." Jason said, his voice clear and Justin knew he believed every word he was speaking.
"I know it's hard, but he doesn't love you, if he didn't he wouldn't beat you, he wouldn't cheat on you and he wouldn't r..." he cut himself out and he leaned out to grab Justin's shoulders, his hands delicately running over them before he reached over and lifted Justin's chin so that he was facing him.
"Don't you see?" Jason asked, his eyes pleading with the twenty one year old as he desperately tried to make Justin see sense.

The brunette gulped, his hands tangling together as he let out a shaky breath before pausing.
"I don't want to be alone." He mumbled, his voice barely there and Jason nodded as he used his thumb to wipe away the fallen tears from Justin's eyes.
"You're not. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." He promised as he wrapped his arm around Justin and pulled him into him, kissing his hair softly and then leading them back into the house.

And maybe now Justin would trust him.


Just kidding, but the story is coming to an end soon.
Sorry for the wait, I had mid terms but they over now and I have some free time.
Until next time

Trust | Jastin |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ