The Aftermath

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You stupid bitch. You left your husband for a manwhore like him? You will pay. I know it.

When I first started finding the notes, my heart almost stopped every time. I ignore it now. It's been two weeks and nithing has happened. The police can't dp anything about it. After the bad introduction between Zeke and Charles, I figured sonething like this would happen. I think that Charles might be behind it because of the way he reacted towards Zeke. Well, I'm not the naive little virgin that he married anymore. I am a strong, independent woman who does not cry into her pillow for her ex. I long ago gave up trying to figure out what happened that night. The doctor's results were inconclusive as to whether or not I was raped. The only thing they could find amiss was a small detection of drugs, but that was most likely from the alcohol.
My thoughts are interrupted when Zeke walks into my office.
"Hey, baby. Anything interresting in the mail today?"
"What? Oh, no. Nope, nothing of interest here."
We both know that I'm lying, but he doesn't comment on it. Instead, he tells me that lunch is ready, and he leaves to go get the kids. I'm so lucky to have found this man. Not only do I love him with my heart, mind, and soul, but Xavier, Veronica, and Zach adore him. I love spending time with his two boys as well. Although it took a while for Xavier to come to terms with Zeke, I can tell that Xavier likes Zeke just as much as the others, if not, more.
The rest of the day passes uneventfully. Shortly before bed, my phone rings. It's a restricted number. Again. I kmow what it's going to be, but  I answer it anyway. First, there is a lot of breathing. Then, a whisper, before the line goes dead. Something that makes my blood run cold.

"Bitchy whores pay in blood."

That night, I have some of the worst nightmares I have ever had. I know Zeke is concerned, but I play it off. I tell him that I am still rattled from the way that Charles acted the other day. He pretends he believes me. He knows that it's the notes.
When another note showed up in the mailbox the next day, I wasn't surprised.

You bitch. I love you so much, and yet you do this to me. You will pay in blood just like the whore you are.

I also got another phone call. The voice said that I needed to leave Zeke. But I couldn't. I wouldn't.
After another week, my "problem" seemed to have taken care of itself. The phonecalls stopped. The notes ceased. It seemed that whoever it was had realized that their joke wouldn't get to me. I was fine now, right? Maybe believing that was my biggest mistake that I yet.

One Week Later-

I hurry out of the building and into the parking lot. I'm late. I'm supposed to be meeting Zeke and all the kids at the resturant. I just stopped at work to grab some files, and got sidetracked. It's almost pitch black outside. There are shadows everywhere. Maybe that's why I didn't see the man until it was too late.
I feel a sharp pain on my head, and everything goes black.

Zeke POV

I'm starting to get really worried about Layla. She was supposed to meet us here over an hour ago. Everybody is really antsy. Especially me. I have a very important question to ask her. I try calling her cell and work phone multiple times. I even call the home phone. Nothing. This isn't like her at all.

Charles POV

When I get a phone call from an unknown number, I almost don't answer. At the last second I hit the green button. It's Xavier. Layla is missing. I leave my office and frantically run to my car.
Layla is gone. I'm so sorry, Layla. Please, forgive me and come back. I love you, Layla.

Where are you?

Unknown POV

When I saw my love walking to her car, I knew that it was the perfect timing. She was alone, and it was dark. Nobody would notice. It's time. Finally, she's all mine.

When we get back to my house, I unbuckle Layla and hoist her over my shoulder. I take her down to the basement and lay her down in bed. Then, I go to kitchen and pour a glass of Orange Juice. I grab some advil, and take it downstairs for when she wakes up. She'll probably have a headache. I underestimated my own strength. Again.
When that's done, I pull out my phone and call my second in command. I tell him that it's time to send out the notes.

Zach POV

I'm so scared. Mommy never came to dinner tonight. I don't know why. We drive around town with Trevor and Alex. Tevor and Alex are Zeke's kids. They're in highschool. We are all calling Mommy's name, trying to find her.

Veronica POV

Zach starts crying as he tries to call out for Mom again. I put my arm around him the best that I can in his carseat, and try to comfort him. Then, Trevor gets a phonecall from Zeke. He found something. A note taped to our front door.
"Dad said that it was a wedding announcment. For Layla. "
"What?" The rest of us yell.
"It was for Layla, but the groom wasn't mentioned at all."
The police have been called, and everybody is searching for Mom.

Xavier POV

Mom's cellphone was found by the open door of her car in the parking lot where she works. There was blood on the sidewalk.

Where are you Mom?


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