Chapter 3-Edited

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Layla POV

"What the fuck is going on?" I hear a male voice shout.

It's the first thing I remember after.....Well, I'm not really sure.

My water is about half empty when I start to feel sick. Weird, I think. I was fine just a few minutes ago.

The annoying asshole still hasn't left and I want to punch him. He keeps staring at me as if he is waiting for something.

"Hailey," I call, "Katie?"

But nobody's there.

The room starts to spin and I hear him whisper, "Come here, sugar," with a southern drawl I hadn't noticed before.

Then, nothing but black.

The guy next to me startles awake as he is hauled out of bed and thrown against the wall. A black haired male begins to beat the shit out of him.


My head is pounding and I crawl to the edge of the bed.

I'm naked.

What the hell?

Why is that guy against the wall in my hotel room? Why is Charles beating him up? Why don't I remember what happened last night?

Charles POV

I can't believe this. I'm so overcome with rage that I can't see straight. Layla worked so hard in the beginning of our relationship to get me to overcome my trust issues.

Well, that's all shot to hell now. The irony of the situation I've found myself in makes me laugh maniaclly.

All I know is that the only way to keep my sanity is to keep hitting the bastard who fucked my wife.

I don't understand how she could do this to me. I did everything right. I loved her, and I loved our kids. More than anything. I know that I worked more often than she liked, but she knew it was to make a good life for our family.

How could she do this to me?

Xavier POV

When I wake up the next morning, something isn't right. I don't know how I know, but I do. I run into Mom and Dad's room. They aren't there.

I run all around the house, looking for a grownup person. I find Auntie Mandi in the living room.

"Auntie!" I shout. I haven't seen her in a really long time.

"Hey, X-Man!" She replies, using the nickname I've had since I was a baby.

"Where are Mom and Dad at?" I ask.

"Buddy," Auntie Mandi cautions, "They aren't here."

"Where are they?"

"Bud, your Mom and Dad need to work through some things."

"What things?" a girl voice asks.

Uh oh. Veronica is awake.

Veronica POV

As I walk towards the hallway looking for a grownup, I hear voices in the living room.

"Bud, your Mom and Dad need to work through some things."

It's Auntie Mandi! Yay! But, what does she mean they have to work through things?

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