"I don't know." Phil mumbled very quietly.

"I can't hear you."

"I don't know!" Phil suddenly yelled, standing up.

"You don't know?" Noah's voice was filled with venom and Phil nervously swallowed. "I don't think there's much to consider really.. I think you should choose me." Noah placed his hand on Phil's cheek, as light as a feather but as threatening as a bullet. Phil looked at it through the corner of his eye, fear running through his veins. "Do you choose me?"



Phil burst into tears, shoving his boyfriend away with as much force as his weak body had. He sprinted to the door of the apartment and just... ran.

His tears blurred his vision and he had no destination in his mind; he just.. ran.

Ran away from Noah, ran away from love, ran away from life.


"Go on, call him." PJ thrust Dan's phone in his hand, Phil's contact open.

"I don't know, Peej-" Dan started, trying to avoid doing it.

"Nope. Do it."

"Fine." Dan clicked call and pressed speakerphone with a shaky hand.

"H-Hello." A small voice said. It was shaking, like they were crying.

"Are you okay?" Dan immediately said, his fear of rejection disappearing and being replaced with worry for his best friend.

"I c-c-can't-"

"Phil, breathe." Dan heard Phil take a couple deep, shaky breaths before he spoke again.

"I can't do it anymore."

"Where are you? Do you want me to come get you?"

"No, Dan. Please... don't. N-Noah's an idiot. I know that now."

"He really is? What happened?"

"Don't worry.. I j-just need to get away from e-everything."

"Phil? Tell me where you are."

"I don't really know?"

"Describe it or something. I'm going to find you. Don't hang up, I need to know you're okay."


Phil pulled his legs towards his chest, tears still falling down his cheek with no plan of stopping soon. He was in his short sleeved pyjamas still, not having time to get changed. His teeth were chattering with cold and his whole body was shaking, both from sadness and cold. He really didn't want Dan to come.

He was as white as a ghost, ready to fade into nothing, never being remembered. He wanted to stay there forever, no one even giving him a second thought. He wanted to disappear from life. Life was absolutely disgusting and stupid. He was a good man... What had he done to deserve this?

All he had done was try and help people all of his life but it hadn't gotten him anywhere.

"Phil? Phil!" A voice randomly started to yell, making the sad man look up with sorrow filled eyes. You look freezing... we need to get you home." At the mention of the word 'home', Phil's heart started to race and he began to rapidly shake his head.

"I don't want to go home." He mumbled. Dan looked into his friend's sad, dead but still beautiful eyes, frowning to himself.

"We need to, otherwise you'll freeze to death."


Dan furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding how PJ's was different to theirs but nodding anyway.


Phil was fast asleep on Dan's shoulder, a blanket wrapped around both of them. "How could someone hurt him? He's so innocent.." Dan mumbled, shaking his head to himself.

"I know. It's horrible..."

"We need to head home but I don't want to wake him up, he looks exhausted.."

"Could you carry him?"

Dan raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "He's 6ft, Peej and I haven't exercised in years. I will never be able to carry him."

"You can stay here if you want? Just for tonight?"

"You're the best."

"I know."


Noah grinned, wrapping his arms around Phil who flinched at the contact. They were standing in a room full of white. There were no objects, just nothingness, Phil and Noah. "Why'd you flinch, Phil? Are you scared of me?" Phil rapidly shook his head, breaking the hug. He backed up slowly, his eyes wide and filled with fear and worry. "That's adorable."

"Please, Noah-"

"Please what?"

"Don't." Phil squeaked, getting prepared to dodge any hit that was inevitably going to come any second.

"I don't know what you mean." Noah stepped towards Phil, seemingly growing taller. He was a giant, towering over Phil who seemed to be shrinking. Tears were beginning to fall down his cheeks, dripping down to his feet before wetting the ground. Phil flinched as Noah reached out and pressed a hand against Phil's cheek. He was petrified. "Oh, don't be scared.. It's okay."

"Leave me alone..." Phil mumbled, his voice barely audible.


"Leave me alone!" Phil screamed, trying to run but he couldn't move. He was losing breath and nothing was happening. The room was spiralling around him, making him dizzy and feel sick.

"I'll never leave you alone. I'll haunt you forever. If not in person, in your nightmares." Noah was fading, in his place a black monster was beginning to form. "I will ruin your life." The monster had Noah's voice and it was... Noah.

Phil was sobbing and screaming as the monster got bigger before pushing him back to life.

"It's okay, it's okay." Dan comforted, holding the man close to him. Phil was still crying, his whole body shaking with fear. PJ was still sitting with them and he was close to tears too, as was Dan but they held it all together for Phil. "You're okay.. I'm here now."

"D-Dan?" Phil choked out through his wails.

"Yes love?"

"I'm scared."

"I know you are.. but it will be okay. Trust me, I will make sure everything is okay. I'll never let him see you again and if he tries, I will hurt him and shout at him until he goes away. I will protect you."

"I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"Taking him back. This is all my fault." Phil let out another loud sob, burying his head into Dan's chest.

"No, it's not. None of this is your fault. He's the one who did this to you. It's his fault."

Phil sniffed. "I'm still sorry."

There's only three chapters left D:

How are you all on this wonderful morning (or night or afternoon or whenever you're reading this)?

I'm okay but I go back to school today which is annoying ehhh

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