Find Him

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When I saw Cole in a few days time he was sitting on my balcony. He was looking thoughtfully across the horizon and I leaned against the ledge he was sat on. "What are you thinking about?"


I looked to where he was looking, almost expecting to see the majestic elf walking towards Skyhold and I sighed, "what about Solas? Do you know where he is?"
He was quiet and my interest was sparked, "you know where he is" I commented as calmly as I could.

"Yes" he admitted and I tried not to let my excitement spill over.

"Will you tell me?"
He grimaced, an expression I didn't usually see on my shaggy haired friend, and turned his head away.

He turned to me then, looking frantic, "if you find Solas you'll leave, you'll leave us, leave me, I don't want you to go!"

"Cole," I tried to stay calm, "you need to tell me where Solas is."

"You shouldn't go, you... shouldn't... you shouldn't see him like that, he's changed... he's more him now than he was here and you won't like it."

"Cole, tell me where he is."
He turned away and his lips pressed into a thin line, before vanishing before my eyes.
My eyes darted to search for him but he was gone, "Cole! Cole you can't do that! Please Cole!" My legs grew weak and I crumbled to the floor, trying not to wail. The disappointment of being so close to knowing where my partner was to then have it ripped away was almost unbearable and I hugged myself.
Josephine was suddenly by my side and holding me, resting her chin on my head and whispering soothing things.
"He knows," I moaned, "Cole knows where Solas is."

Josephine rubbed my arm, "we'll find him."

"He won't tell me"

"We'll find out, don't worry. I will find Cole."

I shook my head, "you won't find him. He doesn't want to be found."

"Nor does Solas, but we will find him too. Have faith in the inquisition. We have every means of finding a person even if they're determined not to be found."

I wiped my eyes and looked at her, "thank you, Josephine. Thank you."

She nodded and helped me to my feet, "I will go and ask around, tell people to look out for the boy."

I smiled feebly and she left me in my room.

Cole... where are you?

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