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"Kiss me? That was your advice?" I thumped Varric on the arm when I saw him and his mouth broadened into a wide grin.

"Hey! Nice to see you too!"

"You told him to kiss me."

"Did he do it?" He looked surprised, "I didn't think-"

"No, he didn't do it, but he brought it up and that's bad enough. I don't want to encourage this. He's not thinking straight and neither am I."

He chuckled, "okay, okay, I won't tell him anything like that anymore."

"I'm glad you find it so funny." I almost laughed as well but managed to keep a straight face, "he was very upset yesterday, did he speak to you about Rhys?"


"Rhys, he's an old friend of Cole's. He was talking about him and was getting pretty emotional."

"How emotional?"

"He was crying."

Varric's face grew stern and he frowned at me, "that bad? I didn't think he felt things like that. I've never seen him cry before... or laugh... or anything for that matter... where is he now? I want to speak to him."

"If you do, he'll know I said something to you."

"He'll know either way, this is Cole we're talking about. I want to talk to him."

I nodded, "maybe it's best. He needs friends right now. He thinks everyone hates him."

The dwarf's face dropped, an expression I'd only really seen when he found out about Bianca and the red lyrium months before.
"I really need to talk to him. I'll catch you later, okay?"

"Okay," I went to find Cullen to see if we'd had any news from the Hinterlands yet.

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