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"So... you're angry with me?" I blinked, not really knowing what to say to him.

"I don't know." He whined, becoming agitated, "I love you, you love Solas, I want to be loved. No one has ever loved me."

"That's not true..." I tried to calm him down but, unsure on whether that was actually untrue, it seemed to make him worse and he growled in frustration.

"No! It is true! People fear me! People hate me!" He turned away and paced across the room, "I want it to go away!"

"Cole, calm down." I walked nearer to him and he faced me.

"Why? If I settle again it comes back, I'd rather feel angry because it blocks it out, the nausea I feel goes away and I feel like me again, I don't want it!"

"It's okay," I put my hand towards him to comfort him and he backed away.

"No, that's what made me like this, you put your hand on me and I felt it, not again, no needles, no fire, no feelings."

I stepped back and held up my hands, "okay, I won't touch you, but you have to calm down."

He stood watching me, his expression unsure, and I took another step back. He eyed me as I sat on the bed and then he scowled at the floor, "I don't want this," He muttered.

"No one ever asks for it..." I sighed, if you know how I feel, you know how I feel that he left me?"
He nodded solemnly.
"Then you know how much I don't want this either."

"Then why did you do it?" He looked up at me, "why would you put yourself through all the hurt? You think about him all the time-"

"When you love someone, you can't help thinking about them."

He looked restless and walked to the other side of the room, looking out my window, "Varric told me not to worry about things, he said that I shouldn't think about what was bothering me, but how could I? How can I not think about it when you can't stop thinking about the person you love?"

"Listen, you're only feeling like this because you've been talking to me. You're feeling what I'm feeling, and that's making you look at me differently."

"No, I've never felt this before, I've felt others' love before but it's never effected me so strongly... I just want to feel better again."

The possibility that he was able to feel more human emotions since visiting that templar months before was worrying and I looked at him sadly, "I'm sorry but I don't know what I can do."

"You don't have to do anything," he said flatly, the anger completely leaving his voice. I glanced down, trying to think of something to say that would make things better, but when I looked up he'd gone. My eyes scanned the room quickly, and when he was nowhere to be seen I let out a breath. I had to find Varric.

I quickly left my room and went to look for Varric, finding him stood outside the building that Cole usually hid away.
Varric walked towards me when he saw me coming, "What's happened now? He's refusing to talk to me."

"He came to my room and was talking about love, he said he loved me, I tried to talk about it and he disappeared," I sighed breathlessly.

"Ah," he scratched his chin, "what we gonna do now?"

"I have no idea."

"I didn't even think he... well, thought about things like that... I..." he trailed off.

"Just... if you see him, tell him to come and find me..." I turned and went to look for Cole, already knowing that I wouldn't find him today.

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