First clue, My mother, and.... diary?

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Hi all! I'm back~~ Do you miss me??? no?? okay, fine. sorry, just forget it. *cry*

Shyly, the sun began to appear on the eastern horizon. The clear skies and the wind blew softly as if to welcoming whatever that will happen today.

A girl riding a horse come out from the bushes and forest trees. She wear a hood that cover half of her face, trying to hide her identity as a woman. Her skin was pale white with a small red lips that curved up, feels satisfied.

she thought that no one can know her. whoever that see her will though that she is a small handsome boy that starting a journey, not a girl that playing hide and seeks.

well~ yeeeesshhh~~~~ that girl is meee~ tehepero☆

ups, my character got twisted. damn author. (author : just chill, miss)

"what are you doing, Erza? You were already talked alone for 10 minutes!! are you hit your head somewhere? or did you eat something inedible??"

DAMN THAT DEVIL!! Can't he see that I was talking to the readers ??!!


~weeellll~~~~~~~ we didn't need a stupid question from a stupid devil because his stupidity, right~?


My horse was stopped by one of the guard who stood near the entrance. As you see, right now I was in the east gate of imperial capital. my clothes are not too different from before, I just replaced my brown robe with a gray robe for a commoner. I didn't want to looks like a people from wind tribe, that's would make hak to suspicious at me. I want to surprise him, like my first plan~ ufufufu

"who are you and state your purpose!" The guard said again.

sigh, why can't I pass peacefully? as I though, I didn't need a horse. I'm an assassin, I always jump from a tree to tree, a roof to roof, like a ninja. and to jump the wall with this high? that's not a hard task to me. humph.

I handed a scroll that mundeok has gave to me. The content of that roll is a permission to enter the imperial capital from mundeok, the elder of the wind tribe. well, even though actually I didn't need and didn't want it because that hurt my pride as an assassin. he is a worrywart, even with his stern face.

"fumu, okay, you can enter. open the gate!!" he shout, handed me the roll.

My horse continue to walk toward the stables. Even though I'm in this world, world where I thought just an imagination and I will more than happy to live in there, but I can't. I need to know and find the answer why I'm here, who I am and what should I do. I will do my best.

I look around, and I didn't see many people here. I think the party is still not begun yet, because right now is around 6 am. I think in the anime, the party will begin around at 8 am? humm~ now what should I do?

well, as a polite person I am, maybe I need to meet the king first.

I walked carefully to the king's room. I didn't want a commotion or meet hak right now. this is really hard...

and see? like I said, that's reaaally hard. fortunately, I didn't meet hak, but how can I meet the king when in front of his doors and windows was guarded? I can't paralyze or kill the guard if I didn't want a commotion, but I can't enter peacefully either. sigh, I didn't have other choice. let's go with that.

"eh... erza? what are you doing?"

"humm? talk to the king, of course. what else?"

"but, why you climb the wall and stood on the roof??"

Cursed Princess (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz