The Old Man and The Wind Tribe

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Do you know what is 'seiza'?  If you didn't know, let me tell you.  Seiza is a 'correct sitting'on a special cushion (called a zabuton) with knees together, back straight and buttocks resting on ankles. Have you ever done it? How does it feel? Yeah, for the first time like me right now, its hell. It's painful, and I started to feel numbness in the legs.

Why I sit seiza-style, you ask?

Well, you can ask it to that old man, who is currently sitting in front of me, staring at me from top to bottom.

That's creepy, I know.  Stared by a stranger? That's uncomfortable. but Stared by an Old man who eyeing your full body? ewww.... please, not. I can't stand it. Oh no, don't stare me like that, I really can't stand it goddamnit!

But who I am, to ask him to stopped doing something like that? He is not just an old man, who you can see and met every time everywhere. Nah, no way the average old man has a long scar etched over his right eye that made his eyelid shit permanently. He is Mundeok, the former general and the elder of Wind Tribe!!

He has grey hair that he ties in a ponytail and is wrapped with an amber brown bandanna on his forehead. On the sidelocks of his fringes, there are beaded ornaments decorated on each ends. He also has a grey mustache and beard.

He wears a blue robe held by a brown sash under a brown overcoat with patterned dark brown hemlines. 

Okay, he loks wise, kind, caring and.... old. But why I am here, sitting in front of him right now?

Shit my legs really hurt. Can't I just sitting cross-legged as usual?

And I even didn't get to fulfill my revenge to arkath. Do you want to know that he said when I ask how I can find my keys? He just said "dunno". Really, for the god of sake, REALLY?!! Shit, I want to kick him, strangle him, and dropped him into the abyss as soon as possible.

If only I had not been called by this old man, right now he would have been.... lost? broken? or meet hell? Well, he is a demon, maybe he had been to hell? oh whatever. Why I even care anyway?

"that clothes looks good on you." he said, breaks the silence. Oh, right. I did not realize that my clothes had been changed. when?  maybe when I unconscious? I just smiled a little at the compliment.

"so, child. can you tell me who you are and why you bloody in the forest?" I can hear the old man ask. his voice really calm me.

"My name is Erza, almost 15 years old. For the reason of my bloody body is... um.. job? then get stab? well something like that." I look at Arkath who sitting not far from me. I remember he said that other people cant see him except for me. Didn't that really convenient? What's more, we can telepathy at each other. fufu, that's good~

"15? but I though that you are just 12 or 13. Job? what kind of job is that?" umu, so what's now? Did I need to tell the truth? Or lied?

'just tell half-truth, that you think not too dangerous for us.' said Arkath. okaayy?

"ugh. I know I'm short. for my job... I'm an assassin. well, I mean a former assassin?"  I look at his eye, and I can see a shock in his blue eye.

"an assassin?! what do you mean by the former? and parents?"

"like I said, I'm done with that job. When you found me, I just finished my last mission. and parents... I don't have any. I mean, they died. so yeah, I was raised by a chief assassin and in return I became assassin too." I said, didn't care with a sad looks in his eyes.

"I see.... so, what do you want to do after this? Do you will come back to that assassin hideout or something else?" gotcha~ I've been waiting for this~

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