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"You look beautiful, as usual".

"Thanks Pat".

He looked great too. Tall, dark, handsome, successful, well-mannered. The whole package.

She had let her hair free today. It was falling on her back. She really wanted to wear something casual so she wore a denim shirt, denim bottoms and low-heeled shoes.

I look great. He'll be mesmerized.

And indeed he was mesmerised. She caught him several times staring at her.

"I talked to the friend I told you about and he gladly welcomes you to your new work station, you can start tomorrow if you wish."

Oh nice!

"Thanks so much!"

"Welcome and here's the address. Make plans to meet up with him. He's expecting you".He handed her a business card.

She smiled. This was the very place that she had dropped her résumé the other day. 

Such a nice stranger this Pat. Coming to my life with everything.

"And I had a nice time with you yesterday, I'm sorry for leaving like that but I can make up for it if you let me."

Of course I will let you.

"Okay. Today's Tuesday. Let's meet on Friday evening. My place."

"Yes boss!"

At that they both burst out into laughter. Then went silent.

"See you on Friday then. Let me know how it works out with your new job."

"I sure will."

At that they walked out of the restaurant, he led her to a taxi before he walked to his car and sped off.

I'm so lucky.

As she looked out of the taxi window, she smiled, pleased at how her life had made a turn-around overnight. Just the other day she was upset at how she was 33yrs old and nothing was happening for her. But suddenly she was going to have a job.

And a boyfriend who'll be my husband and my children's father.

She laughed at the thought. The taxi driver turned back, looked at her and smiled when he realised she was just happy in her mind world.

She smiled back at him.

"We are here ma'am. "

She paid him and stepped out hopping and singing to her apartment with excitement.

As soon as she opened the door she ran to her bedroom and started planning what she'd wear the next day.

She wanted that job so much. She was going to dress up perfectly.

She wished she could call someone to talk about the great news and it suddenly dawned on her that she really had nobody. No friends. Her parents were deceased. No siblings. No one. Except Jerry.

Okay, calling Jerry.

Rrrrrrring then Jerry picked up.

"Hey Jerry, guess what?"

"Okay, what?"

"I got the job!"

"Really? Should I come over?"


Roxy just wanted to talk. She did not intend to invite him to her place. She almost said no. But she was too excited about her getting a job so she said yes.

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