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"Oh my God, oh my God!"Roxy panicked.

The wallet wasn't in her handbag. The taxi driver was getting impatient.

At that very moment a man came running towards Roxy.

"Looking for this?" He asked while trying to catch his breath.

"Huh!" Roxy couldn't believe her luck.

"Are you looking for this? You left it at the restaurant".

"Oh, thanks very much".

She was very relieved. She gave the taxi driver his money and smiled as he drove away.

"Such a timely rescue sir, thank you very much." She held out her hand for a handshake with the man who had brought the wallet.

He shook her hand.

"Patrick or Pat..."

"I'm Roxy or Roxanne".

It was a moment of awkwardness as Roxy looked at her knight in shinning armour keenly for the first time.

He was handsome. And he looked at her not knowing what to say.

"My hands were getting sweaty, taxi drivers don't like wasting time."

They broke into a short giggle and stood there not knowing what to do next.

"Hey Roxy, would you kindly give me your number, I could call you up for coffee sometime, or..."

"Yeah, that would be perfect."


She scribbled her number on a card and gave it to him.

"Call that number any time you wish".

"I will"



Roxy half ran to her apartment. She was excited about meeting someone new.She couldn't wait to get to her place to fantasize about it in peace. She sat on her couch and threw her high-heels as far as she could. She wanted to think about the prince in shining armour comfortably.

Perfect way to wind up a day that had been messed up by Jerry.

"It's always a pleasure to meet new people...especially new men". She thought aloud and giggled.

She thought about fate sending her a man at her doorstep, literally. She hoped he'd call very soon. She just wanted to know him more. She wanted him for herself. She wanted to get married to him. Have children with him....


Roxy picked her phone in a hurry and in the excitement she forgot to check who was calling. She just hoped it was Pat.

"Hey darling!"

Ugh Jerry.

"Hi Jerry"

"Could we meet up tomorrow, I miss you already".

"What time?"

"7ish P.M"




Mood spoiler, thought Roxy. And just like that she curled up in the sofa and fell asleep.


Roxy almost jumped out of her seat. She was sleeping heavily when the phone rang.


Roxanne grabbed the phone and checked the screen first. Unidentified number. She just knew Pat was the caller. She was excited.

"Hi Roxy, it's Pat"

"Hi Pat!"

"Could we meet up for coffee tomorrow evening?"

"Yes, what time?"



"Great. Bye"


Roxy knew she had to cancel one date and Jerry getting stood up was a no-brainer.

She thought about the clothes and shoes she would wear. How she will make her hair. She was excited. She thought about the questions she would ask. She just wanted to be a great date.

She wanted to make a perfect first impression. He seemed like he might be in his late 30's or early 40's.

He also seemed like he could be a nice husband, she giggled at that thought.

At last someone new.

She checked the time. 7P.M., went to her bed,undressed, got naked, curled up and slept.

She suddenly woke up when she heard the doorbell ring. She put on her robe and walked towards the door while dragging her feet wondering who the guest might be. As she unlocked the door, it swung wide open and Jerry was standing there with a huge smile.

"Oh wow Jerry, hi".

"Hi Roxy".

"I don't mean to be rude but what are you doing here at 9.00 pm, you should be with your wife."

"No, I want to spend the night with you. I've brought food".

That was thoughtful of him. He had never brought Roxy anything before.

He locked the door and followed her to the kitchen. He lifted her and put her on the kitchen table. He hugged her then kissed her.Kissed her hard.

She loved it. She couldn't say no. She had never said no to him. She couldn't resist him. Suddenly she spread her thighs and gave him full access. And he happily put his penis in her vagina and throbbed all the tension that was building between them away.

They were once again happy. They ate their food and jumped into bed together for more cuddling and sex before they fell asleep.

In the morning, Roxy was woken up by Jerry's hard shaft in her  before he took a shower and left.

And just like that Roxy forgot about her 7 P.M date with Pat. She forgot about Pat entirely. She had fallen in love with Jerry again. She spent the day reminiscing about Jerry's sweat and body. It felt like the first time again.

Then at 6 P.M the phone rung;

"Hi Roxy it's Pat, are we still meeting up?"

She was still thinking about Jerry. But she wanted to meet Pat. She wasn't going to have sex. Just going to meet someone new. But so what if they ended up having sex? She wasn't going to be guilty. Jerry has been having sex with his wife too. It didn't feel like she would be cheating. She really did not owe Jerry anything

"Oh, hi Pat, yes we are meeting up just as we planned. Text me the details of the venue and I'll be there".

She then ran to the shower and freshened up. Tied up her hair. Put on her best date dress and shoes. By 7.00 PM she was ready.

At 7 PM sharp the door rang. Roxy was excited. So he had decided to pick her up, nice. She had kept time. She had to check herself in the mirror again. She dabbed on some perfume on her wrist again. She wanted to look and feel her best.

She tidied up the house again just in case Pat might want to get in.

The doorbell rang again.

She grabbed her handbag, picked up the keys and ran towards the door and opened it wide with excitement.

"Hi Roxy!"



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