Its here

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Whelp here it is soooo

Dawn and her friends had gotten up early to go get ready for their contest, leaving Paul alone in the room. Well...May's annoying little brother actually had to stay with Paul while his sister and his sister's boyfriend were gone. Paul was basically stuck babysitting, and he did not appreciate it.

"What kind of Pokémon do you have?"

"How many badges do you have?"

"How long have you known Ash?"

That last one was the only question Paul answered, and he answered with a brief "Too long"

Paul and May's brother sat in the seats of the place the contest was being held. It seemed the gym leader of the city offered to hold it in his gym. Pathetic of him, really.

"May told me about your battle with Harley! That's so cool that you were able to beat him so easily!" The kid said. Paul then remembered the kid's name was Max.

Paul mentally groaned and looked at the boy sitting to his right. He looked awkward, wanting for a reaction, for an answer, from Paul. At least he knew what strength looked like.

"Yeah" Paul grunted.

Max was about to say something else, but the contest announcer cut him off with her usual explanation of contest rules.

Paul never cared to listen to her most of the time. He only listened when she spoke of Dawn, since Dawn was really the only interesting thing about contests.

"Alright everyone, here's our first contestant- May!" She said in her cheery voice.

May walked out into the stage in a fancier outfit than she had been wearing yesterday, and sent out her Beautifly.

She commanded her Pokémon to spin and use Silver Wind, while also using Psychic to give the Silver Wind a gorgeous blue glow. Once Beautifly stopped spinning, May commanded it to use Morning Sun to show off its multicolored wings. Beautifly sat on May's head as May smiled and waved as the crowd cheered.

"Yeah May!" Max cheered.

Paul said nothing.

More and more coordinators came out with their Pokémon, creating combinations that Paul couldn't care less about.

"Next up is Drew!" The announcer said.

Drew emerged from backstage in his regular attire and sent out a Masquerain.

The Masquerain came out of its Pokeball and immediately started using Bubble. A small Silver Wind picked up from around Masquerain's body, wrapping around the bubbles, and giving them an elegant silver glow.

Masquerain fluttered over to its trainer and both trainer and Pokémon bowed in unison as the crowd roared in approval.

"Man Drew just keeps getting better..." Max mumbled.

"Worried?" Paul mocked.

Max crossed his arms, "No. May's gonna win" he huffed.

Not if Dawn has any say in it, Paul thought.

As Drew exited the stage, Dawn entered in her contest attire and Paul instantly started paying more attention. Max noticed and started laughing.

"What?" Paul shot.

"Nothing" Max said, still laughing.

Paul shot the kid a glare and brought his attention back to Dawn. Max shrugged and laughed again.

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