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Here's a game, count how many times I've used "Wow" as a title


Me when someone compliments me:

Me when someone compliments me:

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But more awkward.

Seriously I have no idea how to respond to compliments.

Especially when people say things like "Oh I like you hair!" Or "I like your essay!" I don't know if I should say 'thank you' because it feels weird, know what I mean?

No you probably don't

I'm probably the only person who understood what I just said


I'm still writing the part two to that chapter I wrote awhile back, ya know, the one with Dawn, Paul, Drew, and May.

And I have a question.

Which Pokémon should Drew use in the first round of the contest cause I was gonna go with Roserade but I can't really think of any combinations for it that would seem very...Drew.

That's all I have to say sorry for going on and on about my dumb problems

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