This happened

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Me (at my friends house cause it was his birthday): *eating cake*

Friend: Let's watch something

Friend 3: Yes

Me: How about Pokémon Generations specifically episode five.

Friend: Ok

*episode five starts playing*

*Silver walks on screen*

Friend: Of course

Me: SHHH He's talking. Rude.

Legit happened.

This was the cake

Also my sister is being annoying as f**k we're watching our cousin's dog and it's time for bed and he won't go to sleep if he hears people they're awake, SO RIGHT AFTER MY MOM TELLS US TO BE QUIET AND GO TO BED, SHE DECIDES ITS THE PERFECT TIME TO...

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Also my sister is being annoying as f**k we're watching our cousin's dog and it's time for bed and he won't go to sleep if he hears people they're awake, SO RIGHT AFTER MY MOM TELLS US TO BE QUIET AND GO TO BED, SHE DECIDES ITS THE PERFECT TIME TO TALK TO HER FRIEND

Also my sister is being annoying as f**k we're watching our cousin's dog and it's time for bed and he won't go to sleep if he hears people they're awake, SO RIGHT AFTER MY MOM TELLS US TO BE QUIET AND GO TO BED, SHE DECIDES ITS THE PERFECT TIME TO...

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