"You back off, Jared." I poked him in the chest, my temper getting the best of me as I think back to all his name calling.

He looked taken aback at first until his eyes narrowed, "You know who he is? He's trying to take advantage of you."

"I don't need your help! And I sure as hell don't need you babysitting me. I can take care of myself." Why can't I just get out of this stupid building. I keep smelling the food from the cafe and it's just making me hungry - which isn't pairing well with my mind racing.

"Does this mean you do want to go on that date?" I cringed hearing Danny from behind me and was glad I was in the way because Jared was seriously about to punch the guy in the face.

"Are you seriously going to date him? He only wants sex." Jared asked after he realized I wasn't going to move so he could get to Danny.

"Jeez dude, bro code mean nothing to you? No cockblocking." Danny toys with Jared. He had guts, I'll give him that. I couldn't help but wonder myself, who would win in a fight between the pair.

"Your best bet right about now is to keep your damn mouth shut!" Jared pointed a finger in Danny's direction and I peered behind me to see Danny raising his hands in surrender. Even I could tell it was just to annoy an already upset Jared.

"Who I date or don't date is none of your concern." I informed Jared, giving Danny a look of my own when I said the word don't, hopefully they both get the point. "Besides, why do you care?"

"Don't do that, you know I care." Jared's fury declined only a notch, I could tell he was starting to feel guilty about our last encounter.

"You could've fooled me back there."

"Simp." Danny just can't shut his massive mouth.

"That's it." Jared raced past me and banged Danny up against the wall, clutching the front of his shirt. You could tell Danny wasn't scared or even mad about being slammed and just waited for Jared to loosen his grip. Danny definitely earned points in my book for behaving so calmly.

"Why don't you go find someone else to fuck with. She's not going anywhere with you." It pissed me off that he was talking for me. I mean, even if I had no intention of dating Danny, I was capable of telling him myself.

"Kate, care to answer for yourself?" Danny pushed Jared away from him with ease and came back over to me with a lifted eyebrow, brushing off his ruffled jacket. "Will I see you tonight or are you going to listen to this asswipe over here?"

No way was I letting Jared be the boss of my life. I'll never actually do anything with Danny but I couldn't let Jared get his way. It'd just go to his head. The weird part about this is that Danny knew that I wasn't going to let Jared boss me around from this short interaction and I didn't like that either. No matter what I choose one of these boys will feel like they have the upper hand.

"I'll be ready at six." I looked over to Danny and he nods before walking right by me and out the double doors.

Jared took a step in front of me, "I know you're trying to prove a point but nothing good will come out of this."

"I don't care about your opinion and I am not trying to prove a point." I said, giving him a bored expression.

"He's going to use you for sex." Jared tried to reason with me and to be completely honest he was probably right but I knew how to take care of myself. Danny was in for a world of hurt if he even thought about trying to get a kiss out of me.

"Oh no, believe me when I say, I want to get with him." I was lying of course but Jared would totally buy it. I let out a convincing sigh, "I'm only an obsessive bitch, remember? And better yet, since I'm such a slut, he's my next target." Before he could reply I move around him and race out the door.

I let out a groan, mixed with me trying to catch my breath, when I finally arrive to my next class and realize the door's locked. Stupid professors and their dumb rules about being on time for a class I'm paying for.

I walk to my car, racking my brain to remember who was in that English 220 class so I could get the notes before Thursday's class. While thinking it over I lean on the headrest, closing my eyes for a second. I really just wanted to sleep.

I spring up when my phone starts buzzing and realize how close I had been to actually falling asleep.

YoGo @ 4. I will be waiting for u. -Ben

I felt like the world just dropped in my stomach. How did Ben get my number? More importantly... I had forgotten all about YoGo and now I had a date with Danny... Actually, I'm totally bailing on that date.

I get back out of my car and head to the quad area, knowing Danny would probably be there chilling with his friends, eyeing everyone that looked in their direction.

I rolled my eyes when I spot him sitting next to a brown haired girl. When I reached them I put a hand on my hip, raising my eyebrow at Danny.

"Hey, hot stuff." He said, looking up at me.

"Something came up, maybe tomorrow?" I mentally face palmed myself. I always have to be the peace keeper. I didn't want to go out with him today, tomorrow, or any day for that matter.

"Sure." He shrugged the conversation off and I couldn't hide how surprised I was at how stress-free that was. He didn't ask why or anything. Maybe now would be a good time to add that I don't want to go out tomorrow either...

He stood up before adding, "but tomorrow's your last chance. I don't wait for long." He just had to be cocky.

The brunette he had been seducing decided it was finally her cue to get lost, but not before whispering something to Danny that left him grinning from ear to ear. I'll never understand why girls make it so easy for this guy.

"You try anything tomorrow night and you'll be piecing your balls back together."

He chuckled, obviously not taking my threat seriously, and leaned into me. He subtly rubbed his cheek against mine before whispering, "I find that hard to believe."

After about three long seconds he finally moved back, smirking in response to the scowl I couldn't hide.


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