Chapter 3: Saturday

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Alyssa was relieved that she didn't receive anymore strange texts and freak out as the person texted her. Alyssa was applying the last coat of brown mascara on her eyelashes when she sighed. Although the texts stopped, she still wonders why and what to do about them. "Talking to Dave will definitely help," she assured herself. Alyssa placed her black-rimmed glasses on and grabbed her medium-sized brown, bohemian purse, and began walking with an eager purpose to meet Dave.

When she reached their meeting place, Giorgio's Grill, she squeezed her purse strap briefly and braced herself. She gave the door a strong tug and heard the jingling bell. She immediately searched for the oh so gentle and familiar face that she was in desperate need of. The small restaurant had white walls decorated with a wall-length picture on one side and a massive mirror on the other. The painting was a mostly nude woman begging and holding  a man with dogs, with a sleeping angel under a tree in the background. The booth tables were blank white with matching seats that had a forest green back-cushion. The individual circular tables were ebony with matching seats and forest green cushions as well. Alyssa saw Dave sitting in a booth next to the painting. She immediately beamed a smile in his direction when their eyes met and joyfully walked over to him.


They spent over an hour in Giorgio's Grill laughing and goofing off and telling each other stories. However, towards the end of their splendid lunch-sized salads, Alyssa started to stab the last few leaves. Dave took her silence to finally ask the question that's been bugging him for the entire time. He looked to her face, hoping for her to look up, and when she did, he searched her eyes. Alyssa, leaning lightly on her gently fisted left arm, was uncertain on how to react to his action and began to feel heat rise to her cheeks. Then, Dave said, "Allie, there's something I want to tell you, but I have to ask you something else first." Alyssa immediately lowered  her arm and sat up straight, giving Dave a slight nod to proceed. She internally scolded her heart that started to pound ferociously.

"Alyssa, please, tell me the truth," Dave began. Alyssa gulped. "We've known each other for a while so we mostly know what the other is thinking or what's going on, but I can't figure it out this time. Allie's, what's the real story?"

Alyssa's heart sank. She zoned out briefly. "Haha why am I so disappointed? I don't know what was I expecting?" she barely whispered to herself in a nervous laugh. Lies! You know what you wanted! You're just stupid to  hope for it. You should've remembered what this lunch was all about anyways. He told you that he'd ask for the real story.

"Alyssa?" was the phrase that snapped her out of her scornful thoughts. "Seriously, tell me. The truth."

"Oh, yeah . Sorry. Um, well I've been getting these weird foreign texts from a random number. I'm not sure what exactly they want but it's quite intimidating."

"Do you know what the messages translate to?"

"Haha I'm not that worried about the translation, more so about how they got my number," Alyssa admittedly nervously.

"It might just be a jealous girl. Lord, knows you have enough of them due to your borther's popularity!" Dave lightly teased.

"Yeah, maybe," she agreed half-heartedly.

"Allie, look at me." He reached across the table and grabbed her face with both of his hands. "If you ever feel you're in danger, you can always come to me. Even when you married with grandchildren." Alyssa chuckled. "I will always protect you. Okay?" Alyssa nodded.

"Thanks," she said quietly as she lowered her head to mask her blush.

"I'll keep my ears and eyes on the lookout for anything. Okay?" Dave gave her a bright and reassuring smile, and Alyssa couldn't help but responding to such a contagious feature.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2012 ⏰

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