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Amelia bounced up and down on the exercise ball

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Amelia bounced up and down on the exercise ball. "What are you doing?" Steve said as he began unpacking some boxes in the kitchen. They had just bought a new home. It was a wedding gift from Tony, and they were extremely grateful for the 3.4 million dollar home.

"The doctor said if I'm more active, the more likely the girls will be birthed on time. I just want them out of me asap." Amelia explained as she tapped away on her phone.

"Whatever you say, Amelia," Steve chuckled, "I've got to go get something from Natasha, you need anything while I'm out?" Steve asked, still snickering at the sight of Amelia stretching and bouncing all over the purple ball.

"Nope." She replied curtly. Steve nodded then made his way out of the door and sped to his destination, leaving Amelia alone.

Amelia sat in the same spot in silence for about 30 minutes. She was still texting away and posting memes on social media when she suddenly heard a click. Amelia shot her face around behind her, then widened her eyes in shock at the sight. Someone had broken into her house and they were standing right in front of her with a gun pointed to her head.

"Come with me, or die." The man threatened. He had a mask over his face, so she couldn't recognize who it was. Amelia looked around to see if there were any weapons nearby that she could attack the man with, but unfortunately, there was not.

She obeyed, as she was not planning on dying anytime soon, and allowed the man to push her outside and into a dark car. He drove her somewhere far away, and she only remained silent. Amelia thought that is she tried anything that she would become dead meat— but what she didn't know was that the man had direct orders to not kill her, no matter what.

Amelia sat frigidly, fumbling with her fingers. Although she willingly allowed the man to take her, she had her own, safe, backup plan. Her phone was snug in her pocket. She carefully reached for it and texted Steve, sharing her location with him while she was at it. She knew that now, she would be able to get out of the situation she was in now with ease.

She assumed the man worked for HYDRA, it was the only organization that could be after her, but she didn't ask any questions. Eventually, the man stopped driving and yanked Amelia out of the car. He lead her into a grungy and abandoned building.

"Welcome to HYDRA, Ms. Stinson." He grumbled and continued to lead her into the eerie building.

It was dark and depressing. It echoed of pained shrieks of something other than human. Amelia's heart began to race rapidly, although she had her plan set in stone, she was afraid that her rescue team would come too late to save her from this torture.

The man found an empty room to put Amelia into, and shoved her in there. Everything was made of concrete. The walls, the ground and even the raised platform in the middle of the room. Amelia supposed it was supposed to be a bed.

She saw there was a metal cart in the dim light. On it, were scissors and knives. She quickly grabbed one and pocketed it just in case the man came back and tried something. She sat on the concrete bed and waited for something to happen.

Just as she had wished, something happened, but it wasn't good. Another man, this one being dressed in a laboratory coat, entered the room. "Remove your clothing and put this on." He barked harshly then threw a hospital gown at her. Amelia did as told, too afraid to disobey. Her entire body shook from fear and from the freezing temperatures of the room.

"Lay on the bed, we will soon begin prepping you." The man stated, then began to examine the cart.

"I-If you don't mind me asking, what are you prepping me for?" Amelia asked, cautious to not make him angry.

The man began to loudly move the scissors and knives on the metal cart around, as if he was searching for something. "Where is the C23 scissors? They were here before you came!" The man yelled. Amelia flinched.

"I— I don't know." She spoke quietly.

The man snatched up her clothes from the floor and searched through her pockets, finding the scissors and the phone. He grabbed both and used the scissors to stab the phone, making it unusable. He then placed the scissors carefully back onto the table.

A loud knock on the metal door to the concrete room erupted, causing Amelia to flinch again. The man in the lab coat swung open the door, revealing two more people that held more supplies appropriate for a surgery. Amelia held her stomach, hoping that they weren't coming after her babies.

The, what she assumed to be, doctor, closed and locked the door. He began to strap Amelia down to the concrete bed and the other two helpers, which she assumed to be nurses, began to place old needles into her skin. Amelia thought the liquid they were injecting was anesthesia, but it was really heroin.

Her mind began to go wild in reaction to the drug. "What are you doing to me!" Amelia finally resisted the shackles, trying to rip away from them.

"Put more into her." The doctor order the nurses. They did as he said and injected two more needles full of the drug. Amelia calmed down, but she was still awake to feel the pain she was about to endure.

The doctor grabbed one of the knives and began cutting away at Amelia's stomach. Amelia screamed at the severe pain she was enduring. With every millimeter he sliced open, it felt as if a thousand pinpricks were stabbing her in the same spot. When he cut into her uterus, she felt like a blinding hot fire was burning off the skin of her lower body.

She felt like she was in hell. Her skin felt like it was cooking from the inside out and her brain felt like it was being squeezed until it was dry of blood. "Please stop!" Amelia shrieked, crying from the excruciating pain.

The doctor and nurses only ignored her. Another nurse then came in with a familiar object, a scepter Loki had when he tried to rule Earth. He drove it up her chest, but not too far as he wanted to let her die out slowly. Once they had their dirty hands on Amelia's babies that they had to induce labor on, they left Amelia there as she was. Bleeding out on the dirty concrete table with her inside organs spilled out onto the disgusting ground with a heavy scepter piercing her lungs.

She threw up about four times at the sight of her insides laying right next to her. She struggled to gasp for air as her lungs were torn apart from the scepter. She weeped at the thought that no one came for her, that her plan to survive had failed— that her agent skills had failed her. She bawled for her daughters, for her daughters that was forced to be part of this harsh world and become prisoners of war from a young age.

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