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so... I am currently watching Agents of SHIELD: s3 and I wanted to make this even though this is completely in the wrong time interval and this is never going to happen in the story

I don't know... I'm just really pushing a whole bunch of random stuff into this book because it's the last book 😭

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Amelia dug through the mini fridge looking for something to help her sweet cravings. It had been almost four hours since she arrived and no one was at the new SHIELD base yet.

Amelia had gotten new intel on the new organization, ATCU, that SHIELD had began working with. If she hadn't been pregnant at the time, she would've went into the ATCU's base with guns blazing; however, her circumstances prohibited her from doing so.

Amelia gave up on looking for sweets and grabbed everything, her arms were full of food and she spun on her heel to begin eating it at Coulson's desk. But, when she turned around, everything fell to the ground and she almost had a heart attack when she saw two men and a woman pointing a gun at her.

"Don't you know not to scare a pregnant woman! I could've gone into labor right then and there! Then what would you have done? Huh!" Amelia scolded. When the three agents' eyes met her stomach, they quickly shoved their weapons into its holsters.

"It's all clear, Director!" The woman agent shouted down the hall. The other two agents left as Coulson entered.

"Amelia! Wow, look at you!" Coulson hugged her tightly.

"Yeah, yeah." Amelia shooed him away as she picked up a cold granola bar from the ground and shoved it into her mouth.

"Who the hell puts granola bars in the fridge?" Amelia asked as she settled into the chair in front of his desk.

"I like my food cold." Phil replied. Amelia leaned down and unzipped her bag, digging around for her laptop. The woman agent that stayed behind put her hand on her gun.

"Seriously?" Amelia looked up at Phil then at the girl.

"She's a friend, Skye." Coulson assured.

"It's Daisy, and I'm not taking any chances sir." Daisy replied.

"I'm no match for you anyway." Amelia scoffed, pulling her laptop out and onto her lap.

"Yeah, sure. I can take you down just using my hands." Daisy sassed.

"Oh... you have powers?" Amelia asked and Daisy nodded confidently, "You're not the only one, hot shot. I'm sure you don't want to find out what I can do." Amelia said and the girl quieted.

"So... What can I do for you, Mrs. Rogers?" Coulson asked after he watched the women briefly go back and forth.

"Since Steve put me on house arrest, I started digging for anything that could get SHIELD back on its feet. I am a founder of SHIELD, even though I didn't help make it what it was; I hate to see it have to stay underground." Amelia began.

"Anyway, I saw that you partnered with the ATCU." Amelia stated.

"How did you find that out? We're not even public yet." Phil asked.

"I seem to have a knack for hacking into communication systems." Amelia snickered.

"No one else saw that, right?" Phil asked for assurance.

"I would never," Amelia looked up from the screen sympathetically, "anyway, when I was looking through you and Rosalind Price's emails then I happened to stumble upon her message to Gideon Malick. Former HYDRA leader and infiltrator."

"What are you saying? Rosalind is not against us." Phil retorted.

"On a first name basis now for everyone, I see... Now, I am not saying that she's against you. I think either she's being poorly influenced by a former enemy, or she is trying to take SHIELD down. However, so far, I haven't see anything malicious towards SHIELD, specifically. All I'm saying is that the ATCU is not to be trusted." Amelia explained, showing messages through her laptop.

"They were playing us the whole time." Phil shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh... and Phil, I'm still pissed that you didn't call me when you, came back from TAHITI." Amelia whispered the last part.

"What can I say? Circumstances were rough." Phil shrugged.

"Circumstances are rough right now," Amelia pointed to her swollen stomach, "but I still came!" She rolled her eyes.

"Well... thank you, Amelia. I'm glad I could see you." Phil stood up to shake her hand.

She stood up, took his hand and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm glad that I could help. And I'm glad to see that you're alive and doing good for SHIELD. I'll text you if I see anything more on the ATCU."

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