9 | in love

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Amelia's phone rang and the screen flashed with Steve's name on it

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Amelia's phone rang and the screen flashed with Steve's name on it. She scrambled from her comfortable spot on the couch and reached for her phone. "Hello?" Amelia worriedly ran her fingers through her oily and stringy hair.

"Amelia..." Steve spoke calmly through the other side of the line.

Amelia leaned her head back, looking at the chipped ceiling. "You're okay."

Steve hummed. "Yeah, and Fury is too. He's alive. He faked his own death and is hiding out where I am now. That's not even all of it. The man with the metal arm, the Winter Soldier... it's Bucky." Amelia sat up, attentively.

"What? That's impossible. Where are you?" Amelia asked, completely at a loss for words.

"Director Fury sent someone to get you, he said it's necessary for you to be here. But, he doesn't know about... well... the little obstacle we have in play." Steve emphasized the words 'little obstacle' and chuckled lightly.

Amelia giggled. "Did you just refer to our baby as an obstacle.... and did you just use the term obstacle instead of problem so you wouldn't get yelled at by me?"

Amelia could practically feel Steve's warm smile radiate through her cell. "Maybe..."

"Well, tell him I can't go. I've made an appointment with a highly rated pediatrician. Oh, and I've been thinking... we're gonna need to buy a new place... wow, look at me I'm already acting like such a mommy—" Amelia rubbed her stomach, though her baby bump was quite small.

Steve sucked in air through his teeth. "Well... about that... Fury maybe kinda already sent someone to our place. And they'll maybe kinda be there in a few minutes. He really needs to talk, and he specifically wants you here." Steve spoke with an undertone of regret.

Amelia bit her tongue, conflicted. "Fine. I will just... move the appointment to another day." Amelia said, annoyedly. Her work was bonded with her life, even if she were to resign— there would always be something to drag her into the field again. How was she supposed to live like that when she and Steve had their baby?

* * *

Amelia was reintroduced to Nick Fury with tears that reflected disbelief. Agent Maria Hill explained to her, though she wasn't listening very intently. Nick Fury sat across from Steve, Amelia, Nat, and Sam, nostalgically looking down at a picture of Alexander Pierce.

"This man declined a Nobel Peace Prize. He said, peace isn't an achievement— it is a responsibility. See... it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues." Fury shook his head at the deception of a man.

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