"I missed you

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"I missed you. I missed you so much," I cried into his shoulder.

Tears filled his eyes again and he held on tighter. ("Y/N) I need to tell you something."

"Tell me anything," I whispered unsure of my voice still.

"Look please don't get angry at me," he began, his eyes searching for mine before he went any further. "Days went by after you were stung and you weren't getting any better. All you did was cry and scream and I couldn't bear loosing you. I couldn't keep seeing you this way knowing I couldn't help you."

"Newt." My simple word sent tears gliding down his cheeks.

"I jumped. I jumped like Bea did. I thought I lost you. I couldn't live without you baby. You're my everything and it was killing me seeing you in so much pain. I'm alive but... but I have a limp like you. Alby said when I fell, I got all tangled in the ivy and it snapped my leg in three places. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't speak as I stared at his wet eyes. I wasn't angry. I wasn't hurt. I wasn't betrayed. I was devastated. He jumped because he thought I was dead. He lost his leg because of me.

I sat there frozen. I couldn't move except for inching my face to his. I let our lips graze together, unmoving but still touching as if to soak in the other pair.

"I'm sorry," I cried as our lips brushed together. Everything hurt, mentally and physically, but somehow his body wrapped with mine numbed the pain. I felt nothing but his warmth.

"Don't say sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped. I should have been here for you instead of being so selfish." I pushed further until our lips touched into a real kiss before moving back.

"You're not selfish. You're broken. We're broken. We're so broken," I sighed as I closed my eyes and breathed him in.

"We'll fix each other. I'll start by feeding you. You haven't eaten in three weeks so you've lost some weight," he told me, shifting lightly but my arms tightening around his neck stopped him.

"I was asleep for three weeks?" I asked.

"Three unbearable weeks," he said. "Please don't leave me ever again. You're my everything. You're my life (Y/N). Loosing you meant I lost myself." We just sat there in silence, clinging to each other and I had a feeling we weren't gonna move for a while.

"Never. I'm never leaving you."

Just then, a few boys stumbled into the room all panting slightly. I left my arms around Newt but moved my head so I could face whoever had joined us. It was Minho, Ben and Alby all looking worried yet simultaneously relieved.

Alby was the first one to come over and attempt to hug me. "Thank shuck, you're awake. I'm so happy to see you awake."

"I'm sorry Alby. I can't move much," I apologized, using what little energy I had to wrap one arm around his neck.

"Its alright (Y/N). I just expect a real one when you get your energy back," he smiled.

Ben was next and hugged me from behind. "I'm sorry (Y/N). We should have made you run with us. You wouldn't have been alone and you wouldn't have been in that section."

"Ben, it's okay. It was my bad call not yours. I'm here now and that's what matters." I smiled knowing what I said wasn't helping anyone but myself.

Alby and Ben moved to the doorway so all that was left was Minho. "We thought you died. I mean at one point your heart stopped. Thanks to Fry and his large hands, he restarted it."

"Fry? He started my heart?" I asked.

Minho chuckled, swinging our intertwined hands gently. "He was so angry, he slammed his hands into your chest and it somehow worked." I couldn't help but smile knowing Fry had, in a fit of rage, saved my life. "Do you remember everything?"

"I remember the maze and the griever. I remember you finding me just before I passed out. Can we have a keeper meeting after I'm more awake?" I asked, feeling my eyes became heavy. I had been asleep for weeks but I was unbelievably tired.

"Of course. Rest up princess," Minho teased. The three boys whispered "goodnight" to me as they left.

"Wait Minho," Newt called out to stop him while I buried my head in his neck with my eyes closed awaiting sleep. "Thank you for saving me."

"Newt, Alby found you in the maze," Minho said.

"I know, but you brought (Y/N) out of the maze. You saved her. Thank you for saving me," he repeated. I listened to the purr of his voice through his hollow chest and smiled when I heard his heartfelt words. I shifted my arms around his waist and tugged at the fabric.

"I love her too shank. We all do. Thank you for completing her," Minho added before his loud footsteps retreated from the room.

Newt shifted me onto the bed where he carefully pulled me into his chest. We laid with him spooning me, his fingers running over my hand.

"I love you," I whispered as the darkness filled me again, taking me back to my dreams

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"I love you," I whispered as the darkness filled me again, taking me back to my dreams.

"I love you more than you know," he replied into my neck before I fell asleep again.

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