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"I'm leaving now" I called out from the living room and headed out into the cold. School doesn't start until half an hour but I decided to go early for the sake of going early. I looked left, right but no one was around, I even forgot my way to this school, who do I ask now?

I'll just walk right...

"Ouch" I groaned in pain as I bumped into someone.

"Yah! Aren't you going to apologise?" I asked the tall boy. But he didn't even say a word, he just looked at me and walked off.

"Yah!" I shouted.

"Okay, how about you show me where MJ high is and I'll let it slide"

No answer. He kept on walking forwards without even saying a word.

~Author's Note~

Who dat, who dat? J-O-A-N-A. Haha just kidding, anyways, hope you liked this chapter, I might post another chapter later before I go to sleep. I can't be stuffed doing my homework, I've been procrastinating so much nowadays, someone save me!


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