7. Explanations

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"What the heck?"

Everyone stared at Garfield, who had just broke the awkward silence.

Currently, Megan, Conner, Garfield, Bart, Jaime, Cassie, Kaldur, Virgil, Batgirl, Nightwing, and Red Robin were in the infirmary room.

La'gaan was the only person that wasn't there. Honestly, nobody cared.

"Yah, this is so weird," agreed Jaime.

The team was used to the constant bickering of Red Hood and Robin. Imagine their surprise when both boys were found cuddled close together, sleeping.

"We still don't know their identities though, mode," grumbled Bart. Jaime shot him a smile, which brought a smile to Bart's face.

Both Jason and Damian were wearing jeans and hoodies, with sunglasses.

"I agree, don't those two hate each other?" asked Cassie.

Red Robin sheepishly smiled. "Like Red Hood said, they have a complicated relationship."

Red Hood yawned and woke up, not noticing the team. His first instinct was to check on Damian. When his younger brother was okay, he smiled. He leaned down and pecked Damian's forhead.

Everyone gaped at him in shock. Jason scratched his head confused. how did they get there? He was just probably hungry or super dehydrated.

"Did you just kiss him?' asked Beast Boy.

Jason looked confused, but then realize what he did.

"Oh my god, bleh! I'm turning into Nightwing," groaned Jason.

The batfamily immeaditly walked up to the bed.

"Is he okay?"

"Is he alive?"

"Is he breathing?"

"Relax, the demon spawn is all right," yawned Jason.

Jaime Reyes, scanners indicate that the Red Hood was up for two days without sleep, food, or water. This is extremely unnatural. Best course of action, plasma gun.

Jaime groaned at his Scarab, but then realized what it said. "Red Hood, have you really done nothing for two days."

Jason yawned again. "Yah."

"Wait, come to think of it, I never even saw you leave the room," said Nightwing. He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Hey, I was waiting for the demon spawn," said Jason, defensively.

Everyone sighed.

"Wait dude, is your hair white?" asked Bart. Everyone stared at the random white part of his hair.

"Hey, I didn't choose it," mutter Jason.

Everyone shot him a confused look, except for the members of the bat family. They just hoped that Jason didn't give away too much on their identities.

Suddenly, Damian yawned. He sat up straight and looked at Jason, and the team. He went to rub his eyes, however his sunglasses prevented him. He looked mad for a second, but just yawned again, which everyone found adorable.

"Oh, my, gosh! You are the cutest thing I have of ever seen in my life!" squealed Megan. She flew over to him and pinched his cheeks. Damian swatted her hands away.

"-Tt, I am not "cute". I am trained fighting machine that could kill all of you in a second."

Nightwing joined in on Megan's fan girling session. "I know right, isn't he just the cutest thing ever." Nightwing walked to his little brother and have him a hug.

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