4. Fist Bumps

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A/N: Hey guy! I just recently wrote a BluePulse two-shot! It would be super duper awesome if you could go check it out! If you love BluePulse, then you'll love the story! Thanks!


"I'm bored," stated Bart.

"Not my problem, Allen," replied Damian.

Bart, Jaime, and Robin were currently sitting on the couch. Well, Bart and Jaime were, but Robin was training with a bow-staff. 

"Where's Red Hood, hermanos?" asked Jaime.

"You mean that pathetic excuse for a human being. He usually sleeps in," replied Robin.

"Ouch," said Jaime.

"I heard all of that know," said Red Hood, walking in. 

Robin glared at him. "Red Hood."

"Robin," said Red Hood, mocking Damian.

"Don't mock me, or I will kill you," said Robin. By this time, Nightwing, Wonder Girl, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Red Robin had walked in. Red Robin and Cassie were holding hands. 

"Ok guys, let's not argue. Batman told me to make sure that you were adjusting okay here," said Nightwing.

"It's all your fault we ended up here Red Hood!" yelled Robin, childishly.

"Nuh-uh, it was you who freakin got that man on life support!" yelled Red Hood.

"-Tt-, your the one who killed practically every single man there!" yelled Robin. Lagoon Boy, Aqualad, Batgirl, and Static had walked in. 

The team stared at both of the newest members in shock. Well except for the batfamily members. They were just kind of annoyed. They were trying to hide the fact that Damian and Jason were killers. Well, more Jason, Damian was just kind of crazy.

"Did you say 'kill'?" asked a pale Beast Boy.

"Yah," replied Red Hood.

"Not crash dudes, not crash," said Bart.

"Nightwing, you did not inform me that our newest members were murders," said Aqualad. He was pretty mad that Nightwing let two killers on the team.

Nightwing nervously scratched the back of his head. "I forgot?"

"I told you Nightwing!" yelled Batgirl. "This was not a good idea."

"Hey, demon spawn barely kills! And I only kill the criminals, not the heroes!" argued Red Hood. 

All of a sudden Bart snapped his fingers. "I remember you know, Red Hood!" He then took a step back in fear. His face went pale. He realized who the Red Hood was, a mass murderer.

"Who?" asked Jaime, grabbing Bart's hand. Butterflies entered both their stomachs.

"He's that criminal guy in Gotham who murdered all the drug dealers and became the top drug dealer guy", said Bart. 

The rest of the team took a step back.

"Your 'that' guy?" gulped Megan. The whole team had watched the live footage of a man in a red helmet kill at least 50 guys with just two guns. The whole team had had nightmares about this guy for at least a month! Well, excluding Tim, Dick, and Barbara.

"Yay, I'm famous," said Red Hood, obviously delighted that these people knew of his reputation.

"-Tt-, why are you all so scared of him? I have met rodents more scarier than him," said Robin. He was generally confused. How could people actually be afraid of his brother? He knew that Jason would never intentionally hurt any heroes. Well, except for maybe Batman...

"Shut it demon! Where were we, oh yah, it's still your fault that I'm here!" yelled Red Hood.

Aqualad held his temple in concentration. "Nightwing, I'm not so sure that this new arrangement will work-"

"They're okay Kaludur, trust me. That's why Batman sent them here, to correct their moral compasses," said Nightwing. 

Aqualad was hesitant, but replied with a nod.

"Hey, my moral compass in perfectly fine," whined Red Hood.

"Do you guys even want to be on the team?" asked Beast Boy.

"-Tt-, what do you think? Why would I want to be on a team filled with children?" asked Robin, pretty rudely.

"For once, I agree with the demon spawn," said Red Hood.

"Hey! We are not children!" yelled Virgil.

Nightwing sighed, his brothers were impossible sometimes. But, he still loved them anyway.

Red Hood noticed Red Robin holding hands and smiling at Cassie. He also noticed how Cassie blushed and smiled back. 

Time to tease his younger brother...

"You finally got a girl, Red Robin," cooed Red Hood. He walked up to Tim and pinched his cheeks.

"Ugh, get off me J," said Red Robin.

"Okay Red Hood's name starts with a J, we will figure out your identities!" yelled Beast Boy. Everyone ignored him.

"I did not know that you were actually capable of acquiring a mate, Red Robin," said Robin. 

Jason couldn't help himself. "I know, I have never actually met a girl that wanted to be with our Red Robin." 

Tim's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.  

"Leave my boyfriend alone!" yelled Cassie.

"Fist bump, demon spawn?"

Both Red Hood and Robin fist bumped. If there was one thing they could bond over, it was definitely their love for embarrassing their brothers.

Everyone stared at them shocked. Well, except for Nightwing, Red Robin, and Batgirl.

"What, is there something on my face?" asked Red Hood.

"Yes, it's horrendous and unappealing. Wait, that is your face..." said a smirking Robin.

"Ahhhhhhhh! That's it, why haven't I killed you yet?" yelled Red Hood. His ego had just been stripped from him by a 14 year old boy.

"I'm am much to skilled to be murdered by someone like you," said Robin.

Everyone stared at them again, except for the Batfamily members. 

"What?" asked Red Hood.

"How can you go from fist bumps to death threats in seconds?" asked Beast Boy.

They both shrugged.

"We have a complicated relationship," said Red Hood. He then ruffled Damian's hair. Robin stuck his tongue out him.

The team had one question on their minds...

How could two people go from trying to kill each other to fist bumping each other in the same day? 

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