6. Please Wake Up

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A/N: So right now Birdflash is winning by a lot XD. And Supersons is also winning too!!! Back to the story :)


Remember, this font thing=mind link conversation


Jason panted as he walked back and forth between the room. He tugged at his hair furiously. He felt like screaming. He still couldn't believe that he had let that happen to Damian.

His own little brother.

He was feeling guilty and just plain sad. He should have done something.

The only thing he could do know was wait....

"I f**ckin hate waiting."

**Flashback to two days before**

"I'm gonna kill that son of a b*tch!" yelled Red Hood.

A couple tears slipped his eyes as he looked at his brother, who was know covered in blood. He tore off his helmet and let more tears slide down his cheeks.

After a couple of seconds, he came to his senses. He first tore off his jacket and used it to stop the bleeding. He then took a quick breath before checking Damian's pulse.

He sighed. It was faint, but it was there. He carried his little brother bridle-style. He sadly chuckled as he thought of what Damian would say if he was conscious.

Jason snapped back into reality.

"Guys, demon spawn has been injured," yelled Jason, through the mind link.

"Is it bad?" asked Nightwing.

"Yah, two knives were chucked at him, he's unconscious, but still alive," said Red Hood.

"Shit," grumbled Nightwing and Red Robin.

"Miss Martian, how fast can you get your bio-ship to Red Hood's location?" asked Batgirl.

"About a minute if I push her to max speed."

"Good," said Red Hood.

**Back to Present**

Jason finally calmed down a bit and took a seat. He started at his unconscious brother with sadness. He felt horrible and just wanted Damian to wake up more than anything.

He and Damian were currently in civies, at the mountain infirmary. Nightwing had shooed the team away, so they wouldn't figure out their identities.

It had been about two days since Damian had been in a coma. Jason hadn't slept, drank, or ate anything in these two days. He didn't even know that it was possible to that.

Tim, Dick, and Bruce had been checking up on Damian every couple hours. The entire bat-family was pretty worried about the little bird. Obviously, Jason was the most worried. No one knew that he had been up these last two days. It didn't matter anyway.

Nothing else would matter if Damian didn't wake up.

Jason grabbed his hair and sighed. He buried his face in his hands and a tear rolled down his face. As minutes passed, Jason was full on sobbing.

He didn't even know that he cared. He wasn't supposed to care about anyone, especially the "demon child" that had just popped into Jason's life.

But he couldn't help to care.

Although he could never admit it, he loved Damian's snarky insults and "tt's". He had grown so used to life with the younger boy. He didn't think he would ever be able to adjust to life without him.

The thought of actually losing Damian brought more tears to his eyes.

Jason couldn't even remember the last time he had cried this hard.

He reached out and lovingly stroked Damian's face. He let more tears fall down his face.

"I'm...sorry...demon spawn...It's...all my...fault," choked Jason, in between sobs.

He had failed his little brother.


Jason immedaitly shot up out of though and stared at Damian. At first he thought he was going crazy, but gasped when Damian stretched and yawned.

"Demon...spawn," choked Jason. He looked at Damian with tear-filled eyes. He immediately realized his mistake and wiped his tears away.

"Why are you crying Todd?" asked Damian, curosily.

"I wasn't crying demon," said Jason. Damian already knew he as lying.

"Anyways, how are you feeling?"
asked Jason.

"I'm fine, how long was I out?"

"Two days, four hours, and thirty-one minutes."

Damian was shocked. How did Jason know this? One preposterous theory formed in Damian's mind, but he dismissed it. Jason didn't even care about him. Nonetheless, he asked the question on his mind. He expected a negative answer.

"Were you up waiting for me to wake up this whole time Todd?"

Jason sighed. "Maybe..."

Damian was know officially shocked. Why the hell did Jason stay up for him? Jason didn't actually love him, did he?

"Oh, thank you Todd," muttered Damian. Jason yawned again. He then stood up and climbed into the infirmary bed with Damian.

"What the hell are you doing Todd?"

Jason was too tired to argue or care. "I haven't slept, ate, or even gone to the freakin restroom in the last two days."

Damian immedaitly felt guilty. "Fine, you can sleep here Todd." Damian scooted over and gave Jason some space.

Jason turned his head to face Damian. "Good night demon spawn." He yawned and closed his eyes.

Damian actually smiled before closing his eyes. He realized that Jason had stayed up two whole days, just for him. Jason was even crying for him.

He hadn't remembered the last time that he had felt this way...


After a couple minutes, both Wayne boys were asleep. In his sleep, Jason had scooted closer and closer to Damian.

He had his arms wrapped around the younger boy, protectively. Damian's face was snuggled in Jason's chest.

All Jason wanted to do was shield and protect his brother from the outside world.

Was that too much to ask?

**A couple hours later **

Bruce sighed as he took a sip from his coffee. It was currently three in the morning. He was on his way to the infirmary, to check on Damian.

He held his breath, hoping his son would be alright. As he walked in, he was shocked...

Were Jason and Damian sleeping together, on the same bed(not that way pervs!)?

Bruce chuckled to himself, he couldn't even get his sons to agree on an ice-cream flavor.

Nonetheless, he smiled. He was proud of Jason for stepping up and taking the big-brother mantle. He smiled at his two adorable sons. He walked up to both of them and ruffled thier hair. Bruce also planted a kiss on each boy's forehead.

He pulled out two pairs of sunglasses and set them on Damian's and Jason's face. He couldn't risk their identities.

He smiled before planting another set of kisses on his sons, and left the room.


Sorry no action, just fluff. :)

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