Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


So there I was- grinning like a fool in a prison (Oh, my bad. It's a 'school') with a mind reader (Okay, yeah that's still weird) by my side. My grin falters. Yeah. I guess that's life. What a strange thing to think. How did this become my life? I don't remember there every being anything different. But I feel like there should be more.

I realize now, that it doesn't matter I know why I'm here. Because that's the point- I'm here. I might be powerful, I guess, but I don't know how that changes my situation. And I don't even know this girl, and she knows all of my secrets. Besides, I don't really have my Gift totally under control. I make the vine retreat and regret shattering the window. There is no way to fix it without forging the shovel that will dig me a deep, deep hole and bury me alive. Thinking that I have an advantage was a mistake. Now that's what will become of me- buried alive. I'm trapped.

"Aralia. You have to keep hope. We'll get out of here. Don't you see? They need you-" She started.

"No, Mira. Do you hear yourself? You talk like them. I mean your accent. Mine. They already own us. And they just want to use me. And I don't even know you. Like at all. And can you, like, not read my mind? Thank you very much, but if I want you to know something- about me or anything else- I'd prefer to tell you myself. It was very nice to meet you, Mira, but if you don't mind, I'de like to take a nap. I have a major headache." I pushed my way past Mira to my new bed. Mira stopped me.

"You don't understand. I know you. I know you like I know myself, Aralia. I looked in your mind. I know it was wrong but sometimes I can't control my Gift. I know everything there is to know about you. We have to be allies. We have to. Without that everyone is lost."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I know how this place works- like clockwork. There are others. There has to be. This isn't right. This isn't all about you Aralia. We need to save everyone. It's up to us."

"Why us? Can't someone else be the hero?"

"No. Do you see any other Gifted that's not under the influence, jumping at the chance to save us? We can only do this." She said. She had a quick flash of unease on her features before it disappeared completely. "I met this....person. He could see the future. I looked into his mind. I know things. Things I shouldn't. I can't stand this place. Things need to change."

"You know you're asking the impossible." Mira smiled and her eyes twinkled.

"Come, there is something you need to see." Mira ran over to the window, leaned out, and grabbed the top of a flower.

"What are you doing? Is this what you wanted me to see?" I asked.

"What? No. We just need to get out of this room to see it. Just come over here." I walked up to her cautiously as her hand beckoned me. She dug her finger in the flower, and pried out a seed. "Give me your hand." She jammed the seed into my flesh. Hard.

"Ow!" I cried out. "That stings!" I looked at my hand. At first it had been red- the seed in my skin like a splinter. I willed my hand to heal. It did. Right over the seed. "What was that about? You stuck a seed into my hand! And now it's stuck! What were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking that your body has water in it. And you could use your Gift to make it grow."

"Inside my hand?!"

"Inside your hand." She looked at me pleadingly. "Just try it. You can use it." My eyebrows furrowed. I didn't under- wait. Wouldn't it hurt? Something clicked. I went over to the door and tried to open it. Locked. I concentrated on the seed. It felt so strange to feel it grow inside me. When it finally broke skin, it hurt. At first at least. Then I made my skin grow sort of with it, or over it, or both. I'm not quite sure. Now it felt like...part of me. The plant spiraled out toward the door. The tiny tip inserted itself into the knob. Wow. I was unlocking a door with my hand- I mean a plant. Yeah, a plant. That's it. I pushed it in farther. These were not like the old fashioned locks I remember learning about. The door would give a small electric charge. The metallic tip at the end of the key had to be enough to amplify the shock and open the door. And the right shape to fit into the grooves to trigger the electricity. The part of key where you were supposed to hole it was plastic so people didn't electrify themselves. I wasn't sure how well a plant would work instead. I fit into the grooves and braced myself. I felt the shock and winced. Then something...amazing happened. I could feel all the cells in the plant. All the small electric signals my brain was sending to it. I amplified them and felt my arm tingle with electricity. Then the lock clicked open.

"Oh my gosh! It actually worked!" I heard Mira squeal. I turned to glare at her. She have a small cough and feigned a serious tone. "I mean, good work Aralia. I knew it would work. Just believe in yourself...or something like that." She gave me a sideways smile.

"Whatever. But now that the door is open, should we try to escape, or what?" I asked.

"Oh no. Not yet. That won't work. Follow me." Mira slipped out the door before I could say anything else. Without a moments hesitation, I followed. She jogged down the white hallway. It was white enough to sting my eyes if I looked at too long. She stopped at the corner suddenly.

"Oof." We both grunted.

"Sorry." I whispered. "What is it you wanted to show me again?"

"You'll see. Go that way. Alone." She pointed down the left hallway.

"What?! You want me to go alone? I bet you've been here way longer than me. I thought we were in this together." I exclaimed. I looked for her reaction, but she was gone. I could just here her closing our door. Then the sizzle-snap electrical sound of the lock. Just great. I guess I haven't got a choice. I sucked in a breath, and warily made me way down the left hallway. Every footstep on the marble floor, sounded like an avalanche to my ears. But as I got farther down the hallway, I could hear faint voices. They got louder as I neared a -guess what color?- white door. What, are they like some kind of neat freaks too? Or maybe they did it to torture my eyes. I wouldn't be surprised. I pressed my ear against the door.

"... new Influence ... failure ... subject ... not as expected ..." It was a women's voice. I could only make out snippets of the conversation. The voice grew louder. The door knob turned. I jumped back behind the swinging door. "It's okay, Robin. I'll be back in a few minutes with the doctor. Stay put." It sounded like she was talking to a young child. Robin.

She closed the door, as I held my breath, just three feet away from her. My heart was pounding in my chest. She didn't do as much as even glance to her left. She turned down the other side if the hallway. When she was out if sight I let out the breath I had been holding.

If there was a kid in there I just had to get him out. I couldn't imagine what kind if things they were doing to him. I used the same trick as before, with the lock. This electric pulse was stronger. I felt dizzy, so I bit my tongue. Yuck. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. I swallowed it -even grosser- then opened the door.

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