Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


The world started shaking violently around me and I could faintly make out the sound of someone calling my name. Now, fully alert, I jolted upright.

Immediately I smacked my forehead against something hard.

"Ow!" My mom and I cried out at the same time time.

"Jeez, it's just me, Lucia!" My mom said, rubbing her head tenderly.

"Well how could I've known, with a wake up call like that!" I muttered and hauled myself to my feet. I looked around our apartment with disdain. Every morning I wake up hoping my whole life had been just a silly dream and I no longer lived in Zone 9. Every morning I was disappointed.

We -being some of the more fortunate citizens of our Zone- actually did have someplace to call 'home'. My mom and I had to work our butts off every day to afford it, but maybe it was worth it. It did provide shelter and, what little protection it gave against thugs, didn't go without appreciation.

It was incredibly small and in terrible condition, though. There were holes in the filthy walls, which were infested with bugs and mold. The floors, maybe once tiled and polished, were broken and cracked in every way possible. If I wasn't being careful, I often cut my foot on the shards. Our old, tattered quilt laid in a heap on the floor amid the junk we had scavenged over the years.

"You should be thankful for what we have." My mom said. She had obviously seen the disgust in my face as I scanned the room. "At least we're not part of the 50% of the Zone 9 population sleeping on the streets."

"We may as well be!" I snapped. She sighed, giving up on the conversation, and turned to get something from beneath a pile of cans that were, for the most part, empty, but kept anyway because they provided a sharp edge. She pulled out our most prized possessions and I couldn't help myself when a grin broke out on my face. The two items sparkled in the sunlight coming in from an opening in the wall behind her. I picked one of the knives up and gripped it firmly, ready to face the day.

We left the building by traveling down a narrow, winding hallway. Our blades held out in front of us, our stances threatening. Luckily, we didn't have any trouble today. Once outside, we headed toward work, our expressions grim.

I lined up with the other workers and waited to receive my job for the day. Mr. Boss (I didn't actually know if that was his real name. But, that's what he had people calling him) rattled off a bunch of assignments to people. They nodded silently and left.

"You," He said pointing to me. "To the Burners." I nodded like the others and left, but I was screaming on the inside. The Burners!? Why couldn't I have gotten a less dangerous job, like Collecting, where you scavenge for any kind of food you may come across and bring it back to them. I licked my chapped lips. I liked Collecting. Or maybe they'd let me be a Fixer. I laughed dryly at the thought. I wasn't old enough to be a Fixer. As much as I would love fixing old tech all day, I'de never be allowed. Anyways, he would never choose a girl to be a Fixer, let alone one my age. I'm just as tall or tough as anyone here, but I'm still only thirteen.

The Burners were on the opposite side of the building, and still smelled like burning flesh, no matter how much I tried to block out the stench. This building, where we had finally found a job, had surprisingly good security. From what I could tell, which wasn't much, anytime you tried going someplace other than here, your picture was taken by the security cameras and, if it didn't match with someone's who had permission to access that area, well...i didn't quite know what would happen since no one without permission ever tried to break any rules. No one would dare to try to break their rules. These people had connections. Connections with Restart.

Finally, I stood directly in front of the two large Burners, where a few other unfortunate workers began heating up pieces of metal to try to shape it into something more useful for Mr. Boss ,and all his friends with connections, to sell to Restart for whatever use they had for them.

The Burners were located in a large fireproof room that was thick with smoke. I coughed a bit and made my way to the Burner on the right. All 'employees' ( what ever that meant) were required to bring with them a pair of thick gloves. That's what made getting this job so hard. But, with a strike of good luck, we had found some in an abandoned warehouse. Why they were there? I had no clue. But I was not one to question such good fortune.

I pulled out the gloves from where I had tucked them in the waistband of my pants and, once they were on good and tight, picked up a few pieces of scrap metal that were in a large bin beside the Burner. I held the tongs with a piece of metal in it, trying to get the metal white hot. While I was waiting for it to heat up, I was left some time to think about...well, everything.

I wondered what it would be like to live in another Zone. I'm old enough to know that the Zones were numbered for a reason. Zone 1- Restart- is in the best condition, while Zone 9-my Zone- is in the worst. And, knowing that all the other Zones aren't as bad as this one, lead me to fantasize about them whenever time allowed. Except Zone 10. Zone 10 is just a deadly forest that borders all the Zones. I shuddered as I envisioned what horrid creatures could inhabit such a place.

I felt tingles run up my arm, and it took me a moment to register the fact that it was not caused by hallucinations. My arm was in the Burner.

I quickly pulled my arm out of the fire, dropping the metal and the tongs. I was surprised not to feel any pain. It was then I realized i had not felt the heat. Only a warm, tingly sensation replaced the intense burn I had expected. Also, as I inspected my arm, I noticed I didn't have a single burn on me.

I didn't have time to dwell on it though, because a man, whom was actually quite small, burst into the room panting and wheezing, like he had just arrived from a long, hard run. He beckoned for me and I joined him while he tried to catch his breath.

"You Aurelle's daughter?" He asked in a nasally voice. I nodded. "She was just sent home." He gave me a sympathetic look. One someone would give a child who's puppy ran away. "She's fatally ill. Mr.Boss said you could go home too, but don't expect any pay."

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