Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


My mom named me Lucia, which means light. She's never told me exactly why she chose that name for me, but why does it matter any way? That was thirteen years ago.

My mothers name is Aurelle. She doesn't usually mention my father...but I know something bad happened to him. One day, after my pestering, and a short temper, my mother had finally told me about him.

After a long sigh, she had said, " Your father was a good man, Lucia. He was brilliant I tell you. Brilliant. And he had a way of making you feel like you were the most important person in the world whenever he would talk to you...." Her eyes did not portray the fondness in which she had spoken of my father with. They remained the same as if she was speaking of the weather. But, at second glance, I noted a hint of pain. " And he had the blondest hair you had ever seen, along with deep blue eyes that looked so much like the ocean." She smiled at me. "Much like your own." I instinctively I had reached my hand up to my face, where my long black hair cascaded, and my blue eyes sat, framed between thick lashes.

My mom had suddenly laughed. It was such a strange sound coming from her, that my suspicious eyes were glued to her face instantly. She met my gaze and her laugh eventually faded away. Her face, only a moment before, contorted with joy, was suddenly serious.

I had one last thing to ask her before she decided that telling me about my father was a bad idea.

"Well...what was his name?" I asked her.

"What?" She said, a little dazed.

"His name?"

"Oh. Orrin. His name was Orrin."

"Was?" I had asked her, finally noticing the way she had spoken of him in the past tense. "Meaning not anymore?"

My mother was silent. I looked over at her, suddenly worried. Her face had always looked pale against her black hair, but never so more than right then. Her dark brown eyes, usually calm and serene, were glazed over as if she was living in a distant memory somewhere, instead of sitting on the floor of our room. Her features were grief stricken and full of despair.

I never asked about my father again.

We are all one another has. But at least we have SOMEBODY. She has my back, and I hers. We're the best team I could ever imagine. But then again, I'm a little low on imagination. I mean, who could blame me? I live in Zone 9 after all.

RestartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora