Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


The bus slammed to a stop, waking from my fitful sleep. Suddenly, Two guards walked in to the room and before I knew what was happening, they had grabbed my arms and lifted me up from my bed.

"Wha-what's going on?" I asked sleepily. But I didn't need to ask to know the answer to that.

We had arrived at at the school.

Still holding me by my arms, the guards dragged me off the bus and we stood in front of a large, pristine white building. On the front, in bold lettering, loomed the gigantic words 'Restarts School For The Future'.

I gulped.

"Here we are girlie." The voice came from my left side, but I was too stunned to sum up the energy to turn to see who it was. "Home sweet home."

In a matter of minutes, we had ascended the wide stair case. One of the guards in front of me stepped up to the door and stuck his face up to the retina scanner. After a quick flash of red light came from it, the man stepped back. A disembodied voice suddenly sounded from the complicated security system imbedded in the entrance.

"What is your objective?" She said.

"Well...we have the girl m'am..." The words had barely left his mouth, when I heard a faint clicking sound from the door. It slid open automatically and we all entered in an orderly fashion.

Once we were inside and the door locked behind us, the guards' grip on my arms

loosened and I immediately snatched them away. I scowled at the guards and rubbed my sore arms defensively.

They lead me to the main office straight away to speak with the Principal.

I squirmed in my seat uncomfortably. Feeling the high tech security cams focused on me. Along with the eyes of everyone else in the room.

"So...this is the runaway." The Principal said. Apparently while I was gone the school had undergone some changes. After I had escaped, the old Principal was deemed unfit for the job and now, the school was under new management. This meant a new Principal. I had always hated the old Principal. He was just so cruel and unjust...I don't even now how to begin to describe just how awful he was. But now, I was starting to like HIM a lot better than this new Princable. I don't what it is exactly I don't like about him. I just know I absolutely despise him. It just made me angrier when I noticed he that he was actually quite good looking for a man of his age. He had entrancing deep blue eyes and, this is what really infuriated me, he had blond hair the exact same shade as mine!

"You're not what I was expecting." The Princable commented. He was studying me now. I felt like I was a specimen under a microscope.

"Well what were you expecting?" I inquired.

"Hmm...maybe someone a bit older?"

"I'm almost fourteen!"

"Someone clever?"

"What makes you so sure I'm not clever?"

He waved off my question as if it were ridiculous to even consider.

"I know who you are. And aralia?" Something about the way he said he knew who I was, made me think he meant something far more than my school records. He grabbed my chin and lifted it up so I was forced to look into his eyes and, with a particular bitterness, spat out the words,


Suddenly, his faced relaxed back into a fake smile.

"Glad we got that cleared up. So, you can see, things have changed around here." He completely changed the subject. "I am in charge now, and things will be done my way. Understood?" I could only nod weakly. "You had previously been assigned to sector B, am I correct?" I nodded again."Well, not any more. You are to go to room 06 in sector A." He started to type things on his computer, and, noticing I was not leaving, directed his attention back to me.

"What do you want?"

I opened my mouth to start to say something, then quickly shut it.

"What is it girl? Spit it out! I don't have all day."

"Um...well...I was wondering when you were planning on having my memories of the escape erased."

"Erased? Why would we have it erased? You will never get away from us again. We will always find you. This memory proves exactly my point. Now leave!" He shooed me away with a gesture of his hand. Reluctantly, I followed the guards to my new room.

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