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What if another love failed? What if you got hurt again after giving your heart a second chance to love and be happy? Will you stop? Will you give up? Or will you still keep on chasing love and hope that the next one would be the last one?

No one knows how many heartbreaks we need to go through to finally stumble to that one person who could give us the love we deserve. That person who will never let go of you matter how wasted you feel; that person who will pick up all those broken pieces and make it whole again; that person who will bring back the curve on your face; that person who will make you believe in love again.

Do you know what makes love complicated? It's actually not the love itself because falling in love is so easy. What made it hard is the situation. We love someone who loves someone else. We love someone who's in love with our close/best friend. We love someone who's already taken. And we can even love someone who already have a lifetime commitment with someone else. See? We fall in love not even realizing it and we fall in love even if we know it's wrong. Who wants to love someone who's too complicated? None, right? Well, that's the risk of falling in love. We won't know who, how, when and why. We just fall. We just fall unexpectedly.

Just always remember that every heartbreak has a lesson; learn from it and move on. And when you're done, never be afraid to love again. Never stop, never quit. Because finally finding that one great love and being with them for the rest of your life is one of the best feeling we could ever have.

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