The Departure

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     Star sat in her room, brushing her hair. She hummed a little tune. The tune. It was the same song she sang with Marco before she blew up the billboard sign at the Love Sentence concert. She set the brush down and sighed. "Hello Star, I have urgent news," Moon called, as she opened the door and walked into her room. "That was rude mother, but what is this 'urgent news' you speak of?" Star asked in a soft tone, not looking at Moon. "Star, we are afraid that Toffee is sending his forces to Earth. We believe that he is looking for you," she breathed. Star turned her gaze to the queen. "Well I am not on Earth anymore, but why are you telling me this?" Moon stroked her daughter's hair softly. "We also believe he is after your friend. Mars? Marcis? No...Marco! Ah, that's his name. We believe the Diaz's are in danger due to the fact you and Marco worked together to fight of the monsters," Moon continued, "me and your father has agreed to send you there to protect them. Think of it as another test to show us how far you have come with your magic." Star did not argue. "I understand mother, when will I be leaving?" Moon smiled. "Tomorrow morning. Goodnight Star."

    Star stood outside the castle. She wore a long blue dress, and replaced her devil horns with a small tiara that held a ruby in the middle. Her usually long hair was held back in a ponytail. Her mother recommended the 'Queen' hairstyle, but Star would refuse to have her hair look like a butt. She tapped her foot silently, holding her wand in her hands. The wand even changed too. It was still broken, but it was now blue. The usual angel wings that stood out on the side was now pink butterfly wings. The usual tiny crown stayed the same. Suddenly, a portal appeared, and out came a carriage. Moon Butterfly and River Butterfly appeared from behind Star, both giving her a hug. "Goodbye Star. Please be careful." "I will."

    It was moments later that the carriage took off into a portal, bringing a silent Star with it. It was just a few seconds ago she left Mewni and the driver called, "Princess Star Butterfly, we have arrived." Star gave her thanks before stepping out. The house looked so foreign, then again, she had been gone for three months...three months she told Marco she liked him. Three months ago she left Marco alone to celebrate summer without the princess. Three months ago.... Star took a deep breath before walking towards to door. In the background, the driver smiled sadly for the poor girl. She then took off into another portal. 

   Star knocked on the door twice. She waited patiently for a good ten seconds before the door opened. "Hello? Who is-STAR?!" exclaimed a girl with short white hair. Her eyes sparkled a turquoise, with a streak of the same color in her hair. Those features were too distinctive. It was Jackie....

    "Hello Miss Jackie, I am here to talk to the-" she was interrupted. "Say no more Star! Marco and his parents will be so thrilled that you are back!" she nearly shouted.  She let Star in. Star slowly sat down on the couch when she heard squeals behind her. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Diaz," she calmly said, giving them a small wave. "Star!" the married couple ran over to her and trapped her in a bear hug. A smile tugged at her lips. She somewhat missed this...

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