Chapter Thirty

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- Josh's POV -

The wind began to pick up quickly, I was gripping onto the side of the house with all my strength. Amber was still inside her room, pacing up and down looking at the ground. The men where outside her room, suddenly her door busted down and they began to attack her.

She was throwing them against the walls and into the cupboard, I was screaming her name for help but she wouldn't listen. I was slipping.

Rose and her father had left now, I guess they got scared when the storm started.

I looked over at the beach and screamed, the waves..

I've never seen a wave that big, it was coming towards the shore. I looked back at Amber, she raised her arms in the same movement as the waves, she was making it come here. Suddenly without any notice, I couldn't breathe.

I was under the water, the whole land had flooded and everything was rising. the men in Ambers house were stuck in her room and they were drowning.

But where was Amber?!

"AMBER" I screamed as the bubbles arose to the surface. Then I seen her, she was swimming out of the front door, my eyes were blurry but I knew it was her.

I was loosing consciousness but I had to get to her, I began to swim deeper to the ground where she was. She saw me swimming.. Then suddenly.. I-I was in the d-dark.

- Mikes POV -

"Josh?! Where's Josh!?" I screamed looking around the survival boats, Katie was crying her eyes out.

"We will find him sir please calm down" A man said to me.

"I will not calm down!!"

- Ambers POV -

The anger was too much for me, I ruined everything again. No wander my mum keeps me indoors.

I swam quickly to Josh, he was unconscious.. I grabbed his body and formed a bubble around him, filled with oxygen. I can breathe under water as I formed this wave.. but I was afraid that I've seriously hurt someone or even killed someone.

Suddenly I seen something floating in the distance.. it looked like a teddy bear.

I swam towards it quickly, grabbing it in my bleeding hands.

It was a snowman, he had a huge smile and a carrot nose. I smiled at him. And hugged him, for some reason, a snowman teddy bear gave me comfort.

What am I going to do now?..

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