Chapter Three

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- Josh's POV -

The new neighbours are really..creepy. Every time I went outside I saw the young girl staring out the window at me, and I noticed her watching me and Katie walk to the beach as well..

"Good night Katie" I said tucking my little sister into bed, she smiled while snuggling into her snowman teddy. He is called Chilly, she brings him everywhere.. I guess he is a part of the family too.

I went into my bedroom and turned on the lamp which sat on my dresser beside my bed. I opened one of my giant books and began to read..

This is my favourite book, it's about a king who saves his own kingdom from bad men who try to take over the land. When I read I feel like I'm in the story with the characters, it's good it escape from reality some times.

"Good night Josh" Mike said standing at my door, I smiled and he walked off. I looked out my bedroom window before closing the curtains, until I seen a shadow.. It was walking down the sandy path way, I had to look closer before I knew who it was. The creepy girl, she's very suspicious.

I watched her walk down the path, it looked like she had no shoes on.. Just a dressing gown. She walked down to the beach and sat on the sand, I watched her for ages.. But all she did was sit there.

I got tired of staring out my boring window and jumped into bed, still feeling suspicious of the new family that lived on our street, but I drifted off anyway..

- Alana/Ambers Mums POV -

"This house is a fucking mess" I whispered to myself while climbing up the stairs in the dark. Amber was already asleep so I had to be extra quiet.. Well that's what I thought.

"Amber?" I said knocking quietly on her door, no answer. I opened the creaking door slowly and peeked through just in case she was asleep; but she was gone.

"Amber?!" I shouted as I searched around her room.

"Amber hunny.. It's just mummy here. I won't hurt you" I said in a calming voice, I was scared, very scared in fact.

This can't happen again.

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