Chapter Twelve

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- Ambers POV -

My mum was trying to pick herself up from falling when I had an idea to save Josh.

"Get out of my room!" I screamed while lifting my hand out and pointing my finger to the door. She rolled out while screaming.

I ran towards the door and locked it so she couldn't get back in.

"Amber what are you doing hunny?! Remember, using your powers for bad we went over this!" she shouted through the door, but I didn't listen.

Josh's eyes opened slowly, I sat down beside him waiting for him to see me.

"A-Amber?.. What happened" He said sitting up slowly while rubbing his head.

"Um.. You fell over!" I said helping him up, what if he remembers everything?

"No I didn't.. You were moving things with your h-hands and.. Protecting me" He shouted, he stepped away quickly in fear.

"I won't hurt you I promise" I said reassuringly.

"She will hurt you!! She is evil!!" My mum screamed at the door, I felt anger inside me.

"Stop making me angry.." I whispered, Josh looked at me confusingly. I kept my head down and breathed slowly.

- Josh's POV -

"I need to go home.." I said walking past her, she grabbed onto me.

"Please" she whispered, I stared at her.

"What? I'm so confused and scared and you're not really telling me anything that's going on so I want to go home, now" I shouted, she stepped back and sighed.

"If you go out that door she will hurt you.." She whispered.

"You have some creepy powers why don't you just over power her? Are you that stupid?" I said with anger, I had enough of this. She started to shake again and let go off me.

"It's not that simple" she whispered again. Suddenly we heard a thump outside Ambers bedroom..

"What was that" Amber said in fear, she slowly walked towards the door and put her hands on it gently.

"M-mum?" She called out, but it was silent.

"I think she's collapsed" Amber said looking back at me, I started to feel dizzy so I sat on the bed while holding my head.

The door opened slowly as it creaked and shook, Amber gasped.

"Yeah, I was right" she said opening the door fully.

"Amber.. You can't stay here if she's going to hurt you" I said holding out my hand for help, she lifted me up.

"But you said you wanted to leave!" She shouted. I sighed.

"That was until I knew you had super powers and your mum was a psycho!!" I shouted back at her, she looked down and smiled.

"What are you smiling at this is serious!"

"I don't have super powers" she chuckled.

"Whatever lets go!" I said grabbing her hand and running out of her bedroom.

"Wait!" She shouted as she let go off me, I looked back at her.

"I want my guitar" she said with a smile, I rolled my eyes as she ran up to her room and then returning with a beautiful wooden guitar.

"Can we go now?" I said impatiently.

"Yes" She smiled

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