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I got tagged by angelinasky0530 '^' I'm looking forward to this. XD

1. Nick: I'm normally called rose or..well...dark..yes...I'm sometimes called dark ;-; you know why? Cuz I'm pretty dark when it comes to positive and happy thoughts, or trying to make less grim remarks.

2. Eye colour: very dark brown.

3. Hair colour: Blonde, but I got some white-bright yellow highlights.

4. One unnecessary fact about me: I'm very short tempered. ;-; anyone writing about me ((probably one but fuck it)) should keep in mind that I have a short fuse =~=

5. Fav colour: black and gold. I know that isn't one colour. But I can't decide witch one I like most. I'll just go with black.

6. Fav place: I prefer being alone in a dark room with a huge duvet and 10 pillows, along with a lot of anime and snacks '^' I've tried this once, I didn't leave my room until after three days. Yes. I had loads of food.

7.  Fav celebrity: Joey Essex.
Hey..shut up.. I know..you can be quiet now haters..go yell somewhere else.

8. Fav animal: ....wolf or dragon? Uhhhhhhh....UHHHHHHHH

9. Fav song: borderline. By tove Styrke. TrapCity remix =^=

10. Fav book: W A R R I O R   C A T S   F O R   L I F E    B I T C H E S ! ! ! ! ! !  *screams like a psychopath ._.* WAAAAARRRIIIOORRRRRR.   CCCCCCCAAAATTTTTTSSSSSSSS!!!!!! REDSTAR! BLUESTAR! FIRESTAR! BRAMBLESTAR! STONETELLER! SPOTTEDLEAF! YELLOWFANG! WOOOOOOOOO *edgy tackled me to the floor and shoves tape over my mouth*

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