James Moriarty: I'm not your assassin, Professor (part 2)

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Imagine you're attending a dinner with your new boss. He says he'll help you with your master's thesis, but at what cost? Unfortunately for you, dinner is not what's on his mind.


You check yourself out in the mirror, admiring your little black dress and matching heels as you turn this way and that. You've spent so many hours working in the lab wearing jeans and t-shirts that you've almost forgotten how damn hot you look when you dress-up. You sigh as you remember what the Professor had said to you in his office.

"I wonder if this is pretty enough for him," you mumble as you shake your head.

What are you thinking dressing like this? This is your new boss, a genius in mathematics! He's going to think you're coming on to him like so many of his students. No, this won't work. You need to wear something more respectable. You turn to head back to your room, but the doorbell rings. You look at your watch. It's only 6:45. He can't be here already. It must be your landlady looking for your rent payment. You open the door, and James Moriarty smiles at you, his eyes, once again, sliding over your body.

"I'm glad to see you wore something pretty, (Y/N)."

You're suddenly feeling very self-conscious. "Ah, what happened to 7 pm?" you say, trying to change the subject. You can feel yourself flushing at his continued perusal of you.

"Like you, I don't adhere to office hours either. Come. Our ride awaits."

You swallow and decide to grab your black blazer from the front closet. The Professor watches you slide your arms into the jacket. As you turn to him, he has a disgusted look on his face.

"You've just spoiled the effect, (Y/N). Why cover-up your beauty when you can exploit it?"

"Excuse me? Exploit it? Why would I want to do that?"

He chuckles and extends his arm. "Time to go before you decide to dawn those hideous glasses."

You hesitantly take his arm and lock your door behind you. As you walk down the hall with him, it occurs to you that you didn't have the glasses on when you met him earlier. How did he know you wore glasses?

He escorts you to a black limousine, and a tall, blond man is leaning against the door waiting. When he sees you approach, he nods to the Professor and opens your door.

You turn to Dr. Moriarty. "Don't tell me; he's another TA?"

He smiles and nods. "You could say that."

You get into the car, and the blond man shuts the door behind you as the Professor gets in on the other side. The blond man takes his seat behind the steering wheel and the car sets off.

After a little while, you realize to your horror that your skirt is riding up your leg with the steady movement of the car. You glance at the Professor who is staring solemnly out the window, not saying a word. You try and discreetly pull your skirt down, but he turns his head and glances down at your bare legs. From the light in his eyes, he knows what you're trying to do and he's enjoying your discomfort. You position your handbag over your legs, trying to find some coverage.

You need to divert his attention. "There were a lot of students looking for you during your posted office hours today, Professor. I tried to answer all their questions, but they really wanted to speak with you."

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