John Watson: I would've waited for you. (part 2)

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Imagine that you realize you still have feelings for John Watson, but you're upset that it takes a nosey detective to point out the obvious.


John glances up at Sherlock and sighs. "(Y/N), this is Sherlock Holmes." He goes back to staring at you. "Sherlock, this is (Y/N). We knew each other a few years ago before I went to Afghanistan."

Sherlock tilts his head as he studies you.

You look up at him and do your best to smile as you try and pull yourself together. "Hello."

He ignores your greeting and continues to stare at you. You've dealt with difficult people in your work before and you've found the best way to handle them was to attack head on. You stand and hold out your hand. "So you're the great detective Sherlock Holmes. I'm so happy to meet you finally. I've read so much about you."

Sherlock's eyes rove your body, but he doesn't take your outstretched hand. Instead, he takes a chair from a nearby table, pulls it up to yours and sits down. You look at John who is shifting uncomfortably in his chair. You decide you can afford a few more minutes and sit down again.

"Sherlock, this is a private conversation," John says as he raises his eyebrows in a hint-hint gesture to his friend.

Sherlock ignores the hint, but gives you a small smile, his eyes narrowing. "So you and John once had an intimate relationship, both body and soul."

Your eyes widen at his audacity. You've read news articles about his brilliant crime deducing skills but never about his rudeness. You shake your head in disbelief. "I've never met you before. Why would you assume that? We were just chatting."

Sherlock doesn't respond to you but instead looks at his friend who's eyes have never left you "John, you love her." His eyes land on you. "And you love my friend here though you profusely deny it– both to him and to yourself. From the looks of your clothing and the different cultural styles you enjoy, you're obviously a world traveler. Are you running from your feelings for John?"

You stand quickly and look at Sherlock with daggers in your eyes. How dare he assume you still love John? "You don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Holmes." You need to get away.

He smiles at you. "Obviously, I'm spot on. Are you running again, (Y/N)?"

You take a deep breath and give him a frosty glare. "Well, it looks like my time is up. I'm sorry, I have to be going." You look at John and give him a small smile. "Take care of yourself, John."

Both men stare at you as you leave. John watches you through the glass as you head across the street to the park.

Sherlock looks at his friend and rolls his eyes. "What the hell are you waiting for, John? Go after her!"

"Sherlock, she wants nothing to do with me. She's moved on." He stares at his latte and sighs.

Sherlock shakes his head. "Don't be an idiot, John! I watched the two of you from outside. No matter what she said to you, she gave you every nonverbal indication that she still has great affection for you. She leaned towards you and cupped her face, exposing her neck, which shows vulnerability and a need to reduce the distance between you. She didn't immediately pull her hand from yours, which says that she really wanted to keep it there and the majority of the time, she could hardly keep her eyes off of you. She also just gave me the eyes of death but they instantly softened as she smiled at you, John. Do I need to go on?"

John runs his fingers through his hair. "How did you see all that and I didn't?"

Sherlock chuckles. "Because, John, it's true what they say about love being blind." He reaches over and takes your tea that you left behind. "Here. She's barely touched her tea as your presence was extremely distracting to her. You better return it before it gets cold."

John nods and grabs the cup from Sherlock and races out the door of the coffee shop. He runs across the street towards the park but he can't see you anywhere.


You glance at your watch. Only 20 minutes left to get ready for your date. There's a chill in the air tonight and you tighten your silken Indian scarf around your neck. You walk over to a park bench and sit down. You think about John and a deep emptiness fills you. He's done it to you again. You feel miserable. Your mother was right. He is a heartbreaker.

You pull up the collar of your jacket and try to block the cold that seems to be filling you. You remember Sherlock's words as you pick at the cuff. It's your favorite jacket purchased in a boutique in Amsterdam. Could he be right? Are you running all over the world to escape memories of John?

You reach into your purse and pull out your phone. You bite your bottom lip as you send a text to your date.

"Ah, so you do have a cell phone after all. And here I was sending you messages the old-fashioned way." You continue to stare at your phone as your heart races. You press the send button and slowly raise your eyes to John's.

"You forgot your tea, (Y/N). I'm willing to bet the flavors are perfect by now."

You smile shyly up at him. "You didn't have to bring it."

He sits down beside you and hands you the tea. As you grasp the cup, he doesn't let go but brings his other hand to hold your hand securely in both of his. "I did need to. I made a mistake before. I'm not going to let you go again. Your date's with me tonight, (Y/N)."

You can hardly catch your breath as you look into his eyes. "John, I can't."

You turn your head away, but he gently takes your chin and turns your face to look at him again. He cups your face and strokes your cheek with his thumb as he stares deeply into your eyes. "I know you're scared. I stupidly hurt you once, but I've never stopped loving you. You're a part of me and I refuse to give you up again."


Your phone goes off in your hand. You look down at the screen and see your date has received the message that you're canceling. John sees the message too and smiles. "You canceled before I got here?"

You nod and look at his mouth that was always so warm and delicious. He realizes where your eyes are drawn and he touches your lower lip. "I love you, (Y/N)." He kisses you with a tenderness you forgot existed. As his kiss deepens, you don't even notice your tea is getting cold as your body starts to heat up. You put the cup beside you on the bench and wrap your arms around him. You are seriously considering switching to lattes.


Hey, thanks for reading! Please give me a vote if you've liked my little imagine. Take care!

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