Chapter 16

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(A/N: Hi guys, this chapter didn't turn out as well as I hoped it would, sorry for the really short chapters, I'll try to make them longer.)


I wake up to hearing my phone ringing on my nightstand. "Hello?" I say groggily, unsure who was calling and why they would be calling at 8 in the morning. People should know that on weekends, you shouldn't call till later than 12, when I usually wake up. 

"Anna, do you want to come to a Halloween party with me tonight?" I hear Tristan ask in an excited voice. "WHAT?" I screech, jumping out of bed and checking the date, it read October 31. Oh, crap, I am so screwed. 

"Are you okay?" Tristan asks, making me groan. "No, I forgot that it was Halloween." I tell him, causing him to chuckle. "Only you could forget that." He says, which makes me confused. "I didn't know it was Halloween in the first place." 

 "We went shopping for costumes yesterday, Anna." He says, "We did?" I ask, before running to my closet and throwing open the door. Hanging on a hanger, right in the middle of everything, is a Little Red Riding Hood costume. 

"Are you sure that we went out?" I ask him, suspiciously, and I know he is nodding on the other side of the phone, even though I cannot see him. I am back at my house, though it is still hard, I went to school last week, and, surprisingly, no one said anything about my dad, although by the way they look at me, it was obvious that they knew. 

Clare has turned into an overprotective friend, and threatens to hurt anyone that talks about what happened, and I know how much her punches hurt, so that is probably why they are silent. Emma was just told what happened, and, well, let's just say things didn't go well, like being hit in the head with a toaster level not well. 

"What are you going to be?" I ask Tristan, referring to his Halloween costume. "You'll have to wait and see." He tells me, causing me to huff in annoyance. The party is at 6, so I still have 8 hours with nothing to do. I pass by Emma's room and knock on the door. 

"Go away." I hear her yell, for a six year old, she has become so broken. Emma has locked herself in her room for 3 days, and the way we get her to eat is placing food on the balcony outside her room. We also give her anti-depression pills, which she consumes at an unhealthy rate, although I cannot blame her, her dad abused her when she was a baby, and now, he suddenly comes back and kills himself. (A/N: 6 might seem young for depression, IDK. I know a 12 year old with depression, does that seem young?)But, out of all of us, dad's sudden appearance and death struck my mom the worst. 

She started to work from home, which isn't to hard, considering her business is all online. She teaches online classes for college students, and gets a lot of money from it. Her site has spread to 3 continents, and she is really proud of it. I pass her, and see her staring at a wall, just staring at it. She hasn't bothered to put on makeup, or even brush her hair. 

The day my mom left for a night, she was going with her lawyer to make dad's an her divorce official, because, even though he left us for 5 years, he wanted to get the divorce legal, so he could get on with his life. Mom told me that they started to fight, and now she blames herself for his death. 

This family is falling apart in front of my eyes, and there is nothing that I can do to stop it. Though, through the darkness, I found a hero. Tristan and his family have been helping us so much, though despite all their efforts, we will never be saved. 

We are broken, shattered into a million pieces, and what is left of us is just ghosts. I pretend to be fine, though every fake smile I show just brings me pain. Mom and Emma just gave up on life, though my therapist, well, now he insists I call him a grief counselor, says that in a month, they will become better. (A/N: Does anyone struggle with depression? Because, it can be really hard, so, all the people out there, I know how you feel.)

I visit him every Wednesday morning, which is weird, because who is free on a Wednesday morning? I go to school an hour late that day, but I have a pass, and no one really cares. I walk downstairs to the family room, and see Tristan lounging on a couch. 

"Why did you call me when you could have just walked up the stairs to talk to me?" I ask in confusion. "Well, last time I woke you up, you punched me in the face." He reminds me, making me smile at the memory. Waiting for the party, I just sit around watching movies, which, for me, is a perfect Saturday.

Tristan's POV

I pull up at Anna's house right before 6, and she comes out, wearing her costume and, damn, she looks good. I look down at my huntsman costume and feel unworthy. 

She is wearing dark red lipstick that matches her red costume, and added fake blood running down the side of her lip for a creepy effect. When she sees my costume, she starts to laugh, 

"What, now we have a couple costume?" She asks with an amused smile, making me cock an eyebrow at her, "Would that even be legal, I mean, the huntsman was way older than her." I say in fake disgust, and she smiles. 

We drive over to the party, which is hosted by, to Anna's disgust, Marcus. When we walk in, we are immediately cornered by the big bad wolf, which is Ryder dressed as a wolf. He looks between the three of us, and with a smirk, says, "I'm sensing a theme here." Which makes Anna snort. But then her face turns solemn, "But, seriously, if Charlie comes out, dressed like granny, I'm going to kill someone." She says, and we stare at each other for a few seconds, before Anna bursts out laughing, and I join in. 

Looking around, Anna probably has the least slutty costume. The dress is short, but not revealing, unlike almost every other girl's in the room. The funniest costumes were the white guys dressed and acting like black guys, in a really offensive, stereotypical way. 

"BIOTCHH!!" I hear one guy shout from on top of a table, before, unsuccessfully, trying to stage dive off of it. He hits the floor with a loud thump, causing everyone to laugh, and no one to help him. 

I pull Anna to the dance floor and we start to slowly dance, her hands on my shoulders and mine on her waist. We start to lean closer to each other, until we bump into Charlie, who is not dressed as Red Riding Hood's grandmother, but as a giant...M&M's pack. More correctly, a giant shirtless M&M's pack. 

Before I can react, Charlie steals Anna away from me, and starts to dance with her. She looks longingly back at me, before they disappear behind a group of people. After almost a hour of looking, I still can't find her, so I just walk outside, and see Charlie punching a tree. 

I run over to him, and notice that his knuckles are bloody, but he continues to hit the bark. "Hey, calm down." I put myself between Charlie and the tree, and he looks at me angrily. After a short glaring contest, his shoulders sag and he steps back. 

"Tell Anna goodbye for me." He says, looking down at his feet. By his miserable look, and the lack of Anna, I can tell she rejected him or something, and I can only start to imagine the pain he is feeling. He walks away, and, just like that, he is gone. Now I just have to find Anna.  

Hey peoples,

How are you doing? So, any ideas for a cast? I NEED help with it, so, if you have any ideas, PLEASE comment. And, by the way, if you add blood to any Halloween costume, it makes it look epic. Please vote.

Love y'all,


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