Chapter 4

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On Saturday night, a few days after Tristan and I had made up, and made out, I slip out of the shower and dry off. 

My sister and my mom are staying in New York at a hospital since Emma was born with back problems and she goes to a specialist every month or two. 

After I finish drying off, I lazily change into a lace black bra, a thin grey tank top, underwear, and small neon orange and pink shorts. 

I lie on my bed and close my eyes, and just as I am about to fall asleep, my stomach starts to grumble. I'm so hungry so I walk downstairs and open my refrigerator. Finding nothing, I open my freezer and grab the tub of ice cream that I would have eaten on Sunday night if I hadn't gone to Sam's party. 

I grab a spoon and settle myself on the sofa in the living room. I glance out of the widow and see a figure outside staring in.

I shriek and jump behind the couch. Seeing a fire poker leaning against the fireplace, I grab it, then move into the kitchen and crouch behind the marble island. 

I hear faint laughter outside and then there is a sharp knock at the door. 

"Who are you?" I shout, still cowering behind the counter. The laughing grows louder and I immediately recognize the voice.

"Anna, come on, let me in." Ryder laughs. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I yell at the door. Ryder knocks again. 

I growl and open the door. I glare at him with as much hate as I can muster. When he sees me, he goes into another fit of laughter. 

"You should have seen your face when you saw me-" He is interrupted with a hiccup. "And you got the fire poker and-" He can't stop his hiccups and laughter. "And you-" 

I stop him. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. 

His smile disappears. "I have a favor to ask you." He tells me. 

"What gives you the right to ask anything of me !" I ask him angrily. He holds his hands up in surrender. "Okay, you win, but, please help me." He looks at me with pleading eyes. 

"What do you want?" I hiss. 

Wordlessly, he strips out of his shirt and I see cuts and bruises decorate his chest. My eyes widen in concern, I might hate Ryder, but I am not a cruel human being, I care about people. "How did this happen?" 

Ryder looks at his feet in embarrassment. 

"Sam's brother." 

He says, still looking at the floor. I raise my eyebrows in confusion and wait for him to explain. 

"Well, he is very protective of Sam, and... well I tried some stuff that he didn't approve off..." 

I groan when I put the pieces together. 

"You're a fucking idiot, you know that right." I ask him, he nods. "What do you want me to do?" I ask him again. 

He fidgets with the shirt in his hands. "I can't go home like this." Ryder says with a panicked tone. "My dad, he'll kill me." Without noticing, he rubs old scars that marked his arm. 

"Does he... does he beat you?" I ask in a hushed tone, feeling my heart sink. He nods again and my eyes widen. 

My hand covers my mouth in shock and without saying anything, I run upstairs to my bathroom and bring down the red First Aid kit.

I instruct Ryder to sit on the couch and he tells me where he is hurt on his chest. There is a large cut running across his stomach, so I get an alcohol wipe and gently clean the wound, all to aware of how perfect his abs were. 

Instead of sitting at the edge of the couch, I place one leg over his chest to the back of the couch and the other leg hangs down. I sit on his chest and finish cleaning the wound. 

When I finish, I start to get up, but Ryder guides my hips back down. "Where are you going?" He asks and I roll my eyes, not this again.

"Anna?" I hear behind me and my heart stops. 

I left the door unlocked. 


"Tristan?" I ask in disbelief. His eyes are looking at Ryder's hands on my hips and my butt on his chest. His expression is filled with hurt and betrayal, but when we look at each other, it turns to rage. 

"You fucking bitch, Anna." He growls, then storms out of my house. 

"Wait!" I run after him. I reach him while he is getting in my car. I gently place my hand on his shoulder, but he slaps it off. 

"Stop it, Anna. Stop it." He glares at me and I feel tears threatening to fall. 

"But Tristan..." I plead. 

"You fucking liar. I hate you." He screams at me and I feel my heart tear in two. "Tristan, I can explain-" 

"Are you deaf! I SAID, I HATE YOU!!!" I fall to my knees and start to sob as Tristan leaves. 

"Hey baby, don't cry." I hear a voice coax. I get up without looking back, and then whirl around with fire in my eyes. 

"RYDER, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I shriek, while jabbing him in the chest. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Why are you trying to ruin my life?" I whisper the last part while breaking down in tears at Ryder's feet. 

"It's okay, Anna, calm down." I feel arms reach down and pick me up before I am overcome with sleep. 


"Wake up." I hear a voice whisper in my ear, when I do not move, he shakes my shoulders. 

"Get up." Ryder pleads. 

Wait, Ryder?!? 

I open my eyes and find myself back in my bed with Ryder kneeling on the bed next to me. When I look through the curtains, it seems dark, so I turn my head the other way to face my clock. 

It read 3:46 am. I groaned and covered my head with a pillow. There is silence for a few seconds then I feel a smack on my ass. I spring out of bed and glare at Ryder with a pissed expression on my face. 

"What the FUCK RYDER!!!!" I curse. He smirks with a triumphant look. "It got you up didn't it?" He points out. 

"IT'S 3:46!!" I yell. "Why did you wake me up!" I growl. 

He laughs, "Anna, I know you want to sleep with me, but I have to go home." 

I am silent for a few second, thinking of which way I should kill Ryder when he gets up, gives me a peck on the cheek, and walks downstairs. 

"Well, you didn't have to wake me up to leave." I tell him, trying to get the last words, and I am surprised and mildly disappointed when he doesn't turn around. 

I stare after him with my mouth hanging open as he drives away without any explanation. 

What the fuck just happened?  

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