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Walking into my house, I call out, "Dad, I'm home!' and make my way to my room. Not hearing a reply, I assume that he isn't home, and flop onto my bed, sighing. Today was heavy, but also good. My heart feels lighter knowing the burden that has been on my shoulders for the past couple of years is starting to lift. I watch my chest rise and fall as my body begins to relax. Honestly, I can't wait until he doesn't make me nervous, it'll be like old times. 

My bed squeaks as I sit up abruptly, my damn English assignment! I roll over in a huff, reaching for my laptop bag, but never finding it. Groaning about the fact I actually have to get up to find it, I see it abandon on the other side of my room. I quickly fetch it and log in... or at least try too. It isn't mine, it's Dick's. I let out a grunt of frustration, I need my laptop and I bet he has it. We must of accidentally swapped. 

The sound of my feet padding across the floor can be heard as I walk over to my cupboard looking for something other than my uniform. I quickly changed into some short black sport pants and a white crop top, and no, you can't see my stomach. Slipping on some trainers and swinging the laptop case over my shoulder I head down to the kitchen for a glass of water. I walk past the counter to the fridge, wait, nope, I head back to the counter realizing Dad left a note. It read,

 "Hi Kiddo, 

Working late tonight, something on Winster Avenue, sorry I didn't get to tell you earlier. Dinner is in the fridge, I hope your day was good sweetheart. 

Love Dad xx"

I finish getting my glass of water, and peak at the dinner Dad left. Pasta..? Ugh, really not what I was hoping for. I grab the house keys and head out the front door, sighing as I look at my car. Only a few more weeks until I can drive. I lock the door and head for my bike, mentally noting that I have everything that I need before I head to Dick's. I literally haven't been there in two years. Too long. 

15 minutes of riding and I stop outside the large black gates of the Wayne estate. Memories flood back into my head, much like a tsunami crashing onto the shore. Memories of when I basically lived here. All of a sudden I feel a rush on excitement, Alfred! I haven't seen him in so long. With that knowledge I type the code I remember into the key pad, praying that it hasn't been changed. The gates swing open, as if they're glad I'm here. Gravel crunches beneath my tires as I ride up towards the door. I set my bike aside and taking a deep breath, I ring the door bell. My heart begins to race as I feel my nerves set in. A squeaking noise draws my attention to the door, and I see Alfred standing there with a massive grin, though I must admit, he looks surprised. 

"Miss Gordon, what a surprise! Come in," Alfred cheers, stepping aside. 

"Hi Alfred, thank you," I answer stepping inside. Okay, I simply can't help it. I hug Alfred, "it's been too long," I mutter. 

"Indeed it has, Miss Gordon, indeed it has," he replies, returning my gesture. "You're here to see Master Dick I presume," he states in his 'all knowing' manor, a smirk on his face. 

"Yes, we seemed to have accidentally swapped laptops," I laugh, pulling on the bag strap.

"Ah, I see. He'll be in his room, just go in," Alfred replies, closing the door behind us. 

"Thank you," I beam at him and begin to head for the stairs. 

"Oh, and Miss Gordon," Alfred calls. 

"Yes?" I answer, turning around. 

"It's nice to see you again," he smiles, nodding his head. 

"Yes, it most certainly is," I respond, I turn and continue to make my way up the large case of stairs. I make my way down the familiar extravagantly decorated hallways and finally end up outside Dick's room. 

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