Lets Start Over

978 28 5

My shoes click as they hit the ground at a hastily pace, I walk into the school grounds, a little fluttered and a little late; at least for my normal standard. I hold my head high, but not my nose, for I'm proud, but never stuck up, well... so to speak. I ignore the unwanted cat calls, for I hate that sort of attention. Annoyingly, I seem to attract it. I mean, how I am supposed to help it if I like to keep fit? Like seriously, self-defense courses are so damn addictive, and don't even get me started on gymnastics. 

I move towards a quiet part of the grounds, hopefully to work on my English draft that's due soon, I've around 40 minutes until school actually starts. Making my way over to a patch of grass, guarded by the shade of the tree, I tuck my red hair behind one of my ears. Suddenly my face seems to be much closer to the ground and I feel myself out of balance, as I trip my books fall freely out of my hands. Thanking God it's the quiet part of the school and praying that no one saw, I start to collect my books into a pile. 

"Want a hand up?" A deep voice asks, it feels like I haven't heard the voice in years, but I'm refreshed to hear it again. Realizing someone did in fact see, my cheeks heat up to a rosy red. 

"Sure," I respond, finally looking up, I'm taken back. Dick... He's grown, and quite nicely too. His jawline has become much more defined, his dark hair seems thicker, and like he actually pays attention to it now. Stretching his hand down, he smiles at me. I take it and he pulls me up with ease. 

"Hey Babs," he says confidently, yet to release my hand. He leans down to pick up my last book.

"Hey Dick," I answer a little nervously, as he places the final book in my arms. 

"We need to talk," he states boldly, he seems much more intimidating now. Must be the height. 

"Okay," I reply quietly, and follow him as he walks towards the tree I was originally heading to. It used to be 'our tree' when we were younger kids, but we don't talk anymore. I barely even see him. A few grades ago I got sick of him disappearing, and we got into a massive argument. He got on my nerves, and then began to push me away and we just stopped talking. I was furious at first, and I've been angry for the past two or more years, but recently..? Honestly, I've started to miss him. What exactly can you do when you loose a best friend?

"Barbara," he draws me out of my thoughts, and I see him indicating for me to sit. I do quickly, and he seems so much larger. I really can't get over how much he's changed in appearance these last few years. It really was a long time. 

"Sorry," I whisper in answer, finding his eyes. 

"Babs, it's fine!" he laughs at my apparent concern, and sits in font of me smiling. "Look, I know we haven't really talked for the past couple of years, and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for that. I know that in the end, I was the one who pushed you away, but honestly... I really.. uh.. miss you, I had never had a friend like you, and I doubt I will ever again. We used to do everything and anything together, and I want it to be that way again. We're older now and I hope we can be more real about things. So from the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry. Truce?" he finishes, hope in his eyes. I sit there and take in everything, it's a big bomb. I wasn't sure if he'd ever talk to me again. 

"That's all well and good," I respond after some thought, "but how do I know you won't just push me away again? You really hurt me Dick. I don't want to go through that again, you were my best friend."

"Barbara, look, I know what I did was terrible, and I regret it. I've realized that I don't want to lose you from my life, and now, at this age, I would not push anyone out of my life like that. You'll just have to trust me I guess?" Dick replied genuinely.  

I considered his answer and responded, "Want to know a secret?"

"Yeah?" he answered nervously.

"I've missed you too," I smiled at him, signifying my agreement to fix our friendship. He laughed at me, smiling like an idiot. 

"There's the Babs I know," he chuckled, and offered me his hand to shake in agreement. 

"How very whelming of you," I quipped, using his old vocabulary and shaking his hand. He grinned broadly at my choice of words. 

(Updating soon!!)

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