The decision is made

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   "My scar!" Harry whined, as we passed the courtyard.
"It's done this before." I said. He pressed his head against his palm. I remembered all the times he'd lost control of his broom during Quidditch matches because he had to shoot his hand up to his four head when tiny migraines occurred. Actually, quite some time has passed since we went into the forbidden forest. The air was getting warmer and you could almost feel summer just around the corner. It was May, that meant if we wanted to gain proof that Snape was out to steal the Sorcerers Stone, we only had a month to gather the information. Also, final exams were coming up, so I also needed to set aside time to study.
"It's never hurt like this before." He moaned as he squinted in the sunlight.
We turned a corner and Hagrid's hut came into view. Harry opened his eyes as if some relief had come over him. Then he whispered. "Of course." He started running to the hut.
"What?" Ron and I asked in unison.
"Hagrid's wanted a dragon his whole life! Then a man happens to show up and have one! Why didn't I see this before."
Ron and I struggled to catch up with him as we wallowed in confusion. What the heck was this boy babbling about? He might still be woozy from his headache, but he seemed so serious, so sure. We had to see what was up.
"Hagrid." Harry started when the saw him. "Who was the man that gave you the dragon egg?" Hagrid replied right away.
"I didn't see his face. 'E kept his cloak over his head."
Harry kept trying. "Did you talk at all?"
"Well yeah, he asked me what creatures I'd dealt with before, I said after Fluffy, the dragon ain't gonna be a problem."
"You told him about Fluffy?!" Harry asked in shock.
"Yeah." Hagrid continued his story. "I said I'd know how ter handle him. Take Fluffy fer example, play a little music and he goes right ter sleep."
As if on cue, Hagrid's jaw shut tight, seeing our starstruck faces. "I should not have said that." He whispered to himself. But we were already gone. From behind me I heard Hagrid yell. "Hey! Where are ya goin'!?"
"The man in the cloak was Snape!" Harry said, but we had already figured it out.
"We have to see Dumbledore!" I said. We sprinted to Professor Mcgonagall's office as fast as our legs could carry us.
"Professor Mcgonagall!" Harry yelled at the old woman as we entered her room. "We must speak to Professor Dumbledore!"
"You can't right now," she explained "A letter arrived from the ministry, he fled last minute."
"But he can't be gone!" Harry urged. "Someone's going to steal the Sorcerers Stone!"
Mcgonagall looked shocked at the news. "Well, I don't know how you know about the Sorcerers Stone, but I assure you it's perfectly safe." She shooed is out the door before we could say anymore.
"Now what?" Ron asked. Harry shook his head. I stared at my feet, before a tall, black figure stood over us. I looked up slowly to see none other than Professor. Severus. Snape.
"What are you three doing outside, on a day like this." He spoke very slowly, mostly eyeing the boys, the trouble makers. "Better not be sneaking around." His glanced scanned all three of us. "People will start to think your..." he stared at me, like he could read right through me, and he knew we knew what he was gonna do. "...up to something." He finished cooly, then strutted away.
Snape looked more dangerous than ever. If he knew we knew what he was up to, would he try to prevent us from telling anyone? Or would he just attempt sooner? But was he ready? Could we be in danger?
"Now what?" Ron repeated.
"We go down the trapdoor, tonight." We both nodded.

That afternoon, when I should have been studying, I sat up in bed, tuning out the gossip circle of Parvati and Lavender. I had come to a fork in the rode. It reminded me of history class in the muggle world. In World War II, if you were drafted, you had no choice, you had to fight. I have a choice: In a few hours, I could be outside the safety of the dormitory and on a death mission that was totally planned out by three kids, or, I could be sitting in the comfort of my four poster bed, asleep, knowing I was gonna live another day, and letting my friends venture out to die. It sounded safe, it sounded convincing. It sounded, right...
Snap out of it, Hermione! I jolted upright. My cat nap was interrupted. I felt and urge to listen to the voice. Your friends need you. They'll die without you! How are you gonna live another day knowing your only friends are gone when you could've saved them? But you chose not to! You chose the safe route. I'm surprised.
No. No! This wasn't me! I wouldn't back out on something like this. The voice was right. They need me. The Stone needs me. Harry needs me. I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna stop Snape, before he can get Voldemort back, before Harry has no chance. I'm gonna help. I'm going to help my friend, come what may.

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