Dragons and detention

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We ran to Hagrid's that night. Okay, I'm regretting to say...I broke the rules. But we had to. The Sorcerers Stone was much more important than and A and my report card for behavior.
We knocked on Hagrid's door. He let us in immediately when we said we knew about the Sorcerers Stone.
"I told you..." he scolded as he made tea. "Not to worry about it."
Harry tried again. "Snape is trying to steal the stone. He tried to get passed Fluffy the night Hermione got attacked by the troll, he tried to kill me during Quiddich."
"Rubbish!" Yelled Hagrid. He wasn't being very helpful. "Snape ain't gonna steal the stone, he's protecting it!"
My jaw dropped open. "Snape is protecting the stone?"
"Well, yeah. Along with Quirrel, Sprout, Mcgonagall and Flitwick. I am too. Fluffy was my trick."
Hagrid left to check the tea. Harry leaned in. "One night, I saw Snape interrogating Quirrel. Of course he knew how to get past his trick, he must've figured out the others, just not Quirrel."
"So the Stone is safe as long as Quirrel stands up to Snape?" I whispered.
"It'll be gone by next Tuesday." Said Ron, who was telling the truth.
"Wait a minute." I remembered something "Snape got bit trying to get past Fluffy, so he didn't have that down, and Hagrid's not that thick."
Just then a burst came from a pot in his fireplace. Hagrid swooped over to the hearth and retrieved the pot with mittened hands. He set the pot on the floor and opened the lid. Steam came pouring out as his giant hands scooped up whatever was in the pot. A giant egg.
Golden brown, two feet tall and one foot wide, Hagrid hobbled over to the kitchen table and set it down. It was cracking.
"Hagrid," said Harry. "That's not a dragon egg, is it?"
The giant nodded. Ron gasped. "But aren't those illegal at Hogwarts?"
"Not if I keep 'em in my cottage."
"Hagrid, you have a wooden house!" I stated. Hagrid looked muddled, like he hadn't thought of that.
The cracks kept getting bigger. Soon, you could hear a squealing. Then, like a falling building, the egg toppled over into a thousand pieces, and there stood a baby dragon, with a tail and wings and everything. Not much larger than a door knob.
   " 'Ello Norbert!" Said Hagrid.
   "Huh?" Ron looked confused as ever.
   "Well, he's gotta have a name right."
Just then, a bang sounded from outside of the cottage. My glance shot towards the window to see and short faced, sandy haired boy duck his head out of view.
   "Malfoy!" Snapped Harry.
   "You shouldn't be here." Hagrid looked worried as he shooed us out of our seats and cradled the dragon.
   All three of us hurried up the corridor that led to our dormitories. But we were stoped by none other than Draco Malfoy. Only this time he wasn't alone, Professor Mcgonagall was with him.

   Fifty points! Each! How was it possible? It was so unfair for her to take one hundred and fifty points from her own house! Worse, detention! My first detention in...forever! I've never had detention before. Any time I'd complain about it, Ron would give me a friendly reminder that we had something to laugh on when we were down. The look on Malfoy's face when Mcgonagall gave him detention too for sneaking out. Life was sometimes bad, but sometimes good.
Filch brought us out the next night. Where was he taking us? No detention I've heard of took place in the middle of the night. Yet, I've only heard of detention in normal schools.
Malfoy whimpered as Filch led us out of the castle gates, down a valley and straight to... Hagrid's hut?
He was sitting out by a camp fire, and he seemed very unhappy.
"Hagrid, what's wrong?" I asked sympathetically.
He sniffled. "They sent Norbert to Romania, to be with the other dragons."
"Get over it!" Growled Filch. "You've got detention to manage!"
"But what if 'e doesn't like it there?" Hagrid urged. "What if the other dragons 'er mean ter him?"
Filch rolled his eyes. "Hope you came prepared." He said to us. "Tonight your going to the forbidden forest."
My heart skipped a beat. We can't be! Isn't it called forbidden for a reason?
Malfoy lost control. "The forbidden forest? No! You can't send kids in the forbidden forest!"
"Well, your going unless you wanna take the next train home." Filch sneered.
Malfoy gulped and Ron snickered. Hagrid stood up and put out his campfire.
"Well then." he announced. "We best get going." He led us farther from the castle as Filch turned away with a nasty smile.

I sat on my bed that night trying to rethink all that happened. Lavender asked why I was so tense. I didn't want to explain what had happened, she was already mad at the points I'd lost. I sat quietly, thinking...
Hagrid had led us deep into the forest. He brought us through underbrush and thorns, to a thicket bush. right beside was a thick, silvery liquid.
"This." He announced. "Is unicorn blood. Pure creatures they are. Somethin's been hurtin it. There's one out there. We gotta find it. Ron, Hermione, you come with me."
Oh, thank goodness. I stepped away from the liquid and placed myself beside the big man.
"Harry, you go with Draco." I sighed. I mouthed sorry to Harry as the two trotted Of with Fang, Hagrid's big, black dog.
Ron and I stuck close to Hagrid. I was scared to death. Any second a werewolf could come and tear me open. A centaur could come and trample me. I would never let my fear out. If word got to Malfoy, it would never end.
Malfoy wasn't good at hiding his fear.
Ron winced as a piercing scream rang through the trees and a figure darted towards us. As Draco come into view, Ron bursted with laughter as the sight of his wide jaw and fearful eyes. Fangs trotted behind him, whimpering. Harry wasn't in sight.
"Where's Harry?" Boomed Hagrid. Malfoy pointed into the direction he had came from before he fainted on me. I pushed the wimp out of my arms, he caught himself before crashing in the pile of leaves under him.
Hagrid darted around the trees as Ron grew louder in laughter. Malfoy looked like and idiot. So did Ron. And I'm sure I did too.
We stood in complete silence and darkness as we walked slowly on the trail of giant boot footsteps. Malfoy held onto my robes like a baby. But I wasn't going to pull him off. Even if it was Malfoy, I was glad to have someone near.
Ron's face was pink. We had just rounded a corner when we caught up with Hagrid, losing his breath. We had arrived at a ditch, and Harry was there.
I wanted to scream to the heavens. He was alive and well. He was also speechless, as a centaur trotted off into the tree.
"Wha-?" I started. But was interrupted.
"The centaur saved me." Harry explained. My jaw dropped. Harry Potter met a centaur! He was going to be a legend, if Snape didn't kill him first.
Hagrid stared at the scenery behind Harry. Under a broken tree, lay a dead, pure unicorn. "Someone's been drinking its blood." He said.
"I read about unicorn blood" I added in. "The blood of such a pure creature can give you enteral life, but a cursed one."
Harry stared at me, realizing what I just said. I put my hand over my mouth to keep me from gasping.
  "What?" Puzzled Malfoy. Who wasn't at all listening until now.
   "Nothing." I replied casually.

  "Malfoy and Fang ran away because a there was a man in a cloak." Harry spoke when everyone in the common room went to bed. "It didn't look entirely human. It had to have been Voldemort-"
   "Don't say his name." Ron whispered in a warning tone.
   "I'm not afraid of his name, Ron!" Urged Harry. "Anyway, the unicorn blood gives you immortality, so does the Sorcerers Stone. Snape's obviously trying to steal it for Vol-- 'You-know-who' so he can come back to life!"
   Voldemort. The man who killed Harry's parents. It all made sense. That means Voldemort it coming after Harry!
    "So," said Ron. "You-know-who wants to come back so he can kill you?"
   Harry sighed. "I think he would've killed me tonight if he had the chance." He sounded so hopeless, so unsure. It was very sad.
   "Wait a minuet." I put in. "Your forgetting a big detail. Who's the one wizard You-know-who is afraid of?" The boys stared a me. "Dumbledore! The one wizard he can't defeat. With Dumbledore around, he can't harm you. With Dumbledore, you can't be touched."
   Harry nodded, but I could see in his eyes, he didn't fully believe it. And honestly, neither did I.

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