Who won the house cup

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In everything that had happened that night, I would have never expected to see this scene. Harry still alive, Snape still employed, and professor Quarrel dead. It had been Quarrel all along. He was the man in the cloak with the dragon egg, he tried to kill Harry during his first Quidditch match (It was actually Snape muttering the counter spell), and under Quarrel's turbine was none other then Lord Voldemort himself. Harry had met him in the last room and somehow managed to kill him and retrieve the stone. He was still in the hospital during the last Quiddich match (we completely lost). Ron and I were on the stairs that lead to the hospital wing when Harry woke from his coma. We rushed down the stairs to give him a big, warm hug. He was alive! We all were! Things were going to be okay for now, but Voldemort was still out there, waiting to find another body to use.

   With all the points we lost for the last Quiddich match and our detention, we were dead last for the house cup. We entered the dining hall for our end of term feast and announcing of the house cup winners. (Slytherin) you could tell by the green banners hanging from the ceilings and a silver snake in the middle. Dumbledore rose to speak.
   "Another year has gone." He spoke in his soft, crispy voice. "And now, the house cup needs awarding. In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points." A few claps rose. Dead last. Not how I was expecting the year. "In third place, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty two points." Claps arose from various places, but not very excited claps. "In second place, Ravenclaw, with four hundred and twenty six points," the claps got gradually louder. "And in first place, Slytherin, with four hundred and seventy two points." The cheers and claps of the Slytherin team just came off as annoying. I know I sound ungrateful, and that I might not have even survived to be at this ceremony, but Malfoy was screaming in my ear on purpose, just to show off.
"However," added Dumbledore. I listened closely. "Extra points must be taken into account. For the recent events." He eyed me. This was gonna be good. "To Miss Hermione Granger," my eyes bulged at the old man, as I realized the whole room staring at me, and my friends smiling a mile a minute. "For her use in skill and knowledge, while others were in grave peril, fifty points." The table cheered and I got pats on the backs, and big grins. "Second, to Mr Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess, Hogwarts has ever seen, fifty points."
Me? Ron mouthed.
"Yes! You!" Screamed Harry, as all of Ron's siblings cried, "That's my brother!" Ron smiled humbly.
"And third, to Harry Potter, for pure love, and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor, fifty points." Cheers rang the halls as I cried out "we're tied with Slytherin!" If only we'd have gotten one more point. But I tie is better than losing.
"And fourth," I leaned up in my seat. We weren't done yet! "To Mr Neville Longbottom. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies. But a great deal more, to stand up to your friends." I just realized. What ever happened to Neville. I expected to un freeze him when I got back, but I was so preoccupied with Ron, I didn't realize he wasn't lying on the floor where I had left him. Dumbledore kept speaking. "I award Mr Longbottom, fifty points." Every Gryffindor took off there hats and threw them in the air. (I caught a random one no sure which one was mine.) Slytherin looked like they were gonna cry as Malfoy threw down his hat. We had won the house cup! Gryffindor had beat Slytherin at last!

I packed my trunk and carried it outside. I took one last glance of the castle before turning to board Hogwarts Express. See you next year I thought. I boarded the train and took my seat next to the boys as the Express left the station.
"It feels strange to be going back home, doesn't it?" I asked Harry.
"I'm not going home. Not really." Harry replied. Hogwarts was like a second home to me. But probably the only home Harry will ever know. Since he'd be going back to his horrible aunt and uncle.
"I'll promise to invite you two over to visit." Said Ron. I smiled.
I had a great time here and I was going to tell Mum and Dad all about it (except, maybe leave out the part of us almost dying).
It was true, this Hogwarts adventure was over, But there were many more to come.

Hermione Granger and the Sorcerers Stone. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt