Spinning in alarm and pulling out her knifes she saw the intelligent and prideful grey eyes of her sister Athena. She smiled at the sight of her dear friend.

"Athena!" Artemis was happy to see her bookworm of a sister, they hadn't met since the Summer Solstice, which was an awful lot of time ago.

"Artemis." The raven black haired women was apparently accustomed to her sister's antics. Athena smiled softly at her sister and struck up a conversation.

"So why are you this far out. I assume it's another hunt?" Athena questioned.

"I think i've finally found the evidence that can convince our father the Titans are rising." Artemis replied gravely.

"So what are you hunting then, a Titan?" Athena replied curtly.

"Even worse sister. The ophiotaurus has been reborn. And I need to find it before the Titans."

The two continued their conversation, enthralled in each other's words, as time passed the failed to take notice of the array of monsters that began to surround them.

Artemis drew a pair of silver hunting knives, curved like the crescent moon. Athena took out her bronze spear and her shield Aegis. It was a blur. Midnight black hellhounds pounced at them, doing everything to maul at the immortals flesh. Hours drew on. Monster after monster, and endless wave of destruction followed. Golden dust littered the ground and choked the air. Not long after the monster numbers reduced to near nothingness Atlas made his appearance. He glared at them with his stony gray eyes. He cracked his neck audibly and pulled out his own spear. Artemis' bones and muscles screamed in agony, golden ichor leaked from the several wounds that adorned her legs, chest, and arms. She knew that he was speaking but she failed to register the words. The titan of strength smiled with malice. He leaped forward to strike the Goddess of wisdom but before Artemis could react a blow struck her head from behind. As her vision tunneled she saw the son of Hermes fight Athena with the titan. Before she fainted she saw the two disappear with Athena in bonds.

She woke up an hour later, and looked around, she was still in the same clearing but without Athena nearby. She failed her sister. If she continued on her path she wouldn't have been taken, it's all her fault.

Oh Iris, goddess of rainbows, show me Perseus Jackson, Camp Half Blood."

The boy was still at the beach, very much still wide awake. Except Zoe sprawled out on the sandy beach floor beside him. She was fast asleep.

Artemis narrowed her eyes at the scene but did not mention it.

"Percy!" She called, startling him out of his thoughts, but not loud enough to wake her lieutenant.

"Yes La- Lady Artemis" He replied, stifling with a yawn.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

He seemed to be just about ready to drop dead.

Artemis started sadly."Athena joined me in my hunt, and as we talked we were attacked, we fought and fought but it was like we were under a spell, we grew weaker and Atlas joined in I was attacked from behind from the Hermes spawn and they took Athena."

Percy's eyes widened in thinly veiled alarm.

"That wasn't supposed to happen..." He began to pace around the beach worriedly.

Finally, he nodded his head, " A quest will be issued tonight, after your hunters defeat us in the capture the flag game. The Oracle of Delphi moves on its own accord to the creek and delivers to prophecy to Zoe."

That was news to her. He had simply brushed past the time in camp when he explained the story to Artemis the first time.

Artemis believed him. She had no reason not to. For some gods forsaken reason, the son of Poseidon was becoming like a huntress was to her, another friend, he was becoming a son to her strangely.

His personality simply gravitated people towards him. His loyalty, kindheartedness, and passion simply made people like him.

Even if this Percy was two years more experienced than he was supposed to be. Especially because he was two years more experienced than he was supposed to be. The boy was mature and intelligent, yet he wasn't egotistical or cocky.

That was probably the reason why Zoe had befriended him in her previous life. It seemed like she was well on her way on making her first friend in this life also.

The hunters all saw her as a leader or as an older sister. Phoebe was probably the closest thing she had for a friend, but even the daughter of Ares held too much respect for the daughter of Atlas to be her true friend.

Besides, if Zoe was to befriend anyone outside her hunt, it might as well have been Perseus Jackson... Even if Artemis had a burning question as to why the demititan was asleep beside Percy...

"Um... Lady Artemis?"

Artemis blushed as she realized she had zoned out while she was talking to the boy.

"I'm sorry, got lost in thought. I'll have to go back out and rescue Athena, keep an eye on Zoe and make sure everything else goes to plan."

She ended the call and sighed to herself. She was growing soft... but she needed to ignore that, right now all that mattered was rescuing Athena.

A bright golden flash filled the clearing once more and Apollo was now with her.

"Don't worry lil' sis, your big bro is here for you"

Artemis was far too exhausted to bother correcting him. She simply relaxed into his comforting hold. Exhaustion and pain filled her and the next thing she knew she was fast asleep...

When her eyes snapped open, it was the break of dawn. Her eyes scanned her surroundings. She was in Apollo's Infirmary.

Deciding to go against better judgement, she flashed to her own palace. Apollo would know where she was if he needed her.

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