16 | Back to normal?

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As days and weeks went on I went to school and continued life normal just like nothing happened before I ran away. My scars that were starting to heal didn't. I made them worse. I was back to my old self before I met Ed. My scars will never go away they remind me of all my horrible mistakes in life and how people can stab me in the back.

I haven't seen Ed's in weeks and he hasn't got in contact with me. I now just regret telling me my story. Why was I so stupid? I can never trust anyone with my secret.... but it helped telling someone how I feel and what's happening in my life.


One day I went to school and saw Craig in the corridor. I started thinking how he once wanted to help me but the thing i was wondering the most is has he told anyone my secret? He hasn't pretended like he doesn't know me like Ed did.

"Penny!" Craig made eye contact with me as I was staring directly at him. "Your back to school?" he asked as I haven't seen him since I was forced to go home and I didn't go into school when I ran away.

"Sadly yes I am." I faked a smile. I needed him to think I'm better and not depressed anymore but that's hard when you hate life and just want to end it.

"You ok?" Of course he can see right through my act like it was a drama script.

"yea of course I am." I laughed it off then walked off as the smell went off for first period. Saved by the bell. I walked up to English class where I saw my whole class lined up staring at me. 'Did I do something?'

"Hey Penny! Rumors going around that you ran away with your homeless boyfriend." The most popular girl in our year, Casey said.

"What!? Sorry.... what do you mean!?" I froze knowing damn well what she meant.

"Oh Sam saw you with that guy who hangs around begging some times for money. Plus you haven't been in school for ages!" Her voice was so high pitch that it could break glass.

"Well he isn't my boyfriend.... not even a friend." I sighed. He was a friend... like a best friend but he isn't if he stabs me in the back and leaves me like that.

"Well you should really clear that up." She flicked her hair then walked away.

Great! Now people think I'm dating the guy who I really don't want to think about.

*Lunch time*

I walked into the canteen exhausted from all the lessons and actually listening to a stranger blah on about stuff you'll never use again.

I never got food in the canteen. Never really ate in that fact. I didn't want to sit alone in the corridors so I usually went into the canteen to look like I'll get something to eat when I'm not. Don't want anyone getting suspicious.

"Can I sit here?" A familiar friendly, British voice said.
I looked up to see Craig looking down at me then to the seat opposite me.

"Yea sure." I smiled.

"Hi." I shyly spoke.

"Hey, you know there's rumours going around about you? Right?" He's eyes showed worried in them.

"Yea I know." I rolled my eyes. "There not true!!! Never will be!!" I angry said.

"Yea I guessed... rumours are never true to be honest." He froze as e realised that I wasn't happy about it.
"You know if you ever want to talk you can talk to me? You don't have to... it's just if you need anyone to talk to I'm here." He's sweetly spoke. I don't know why but this just made me happy. Actually knowing that someone will be there for me.... what am I thinking? I can never trust anyone again! I hardly know Craig too.

"Thanks...." I didn't know what to say but I didn't want to be mean. I've been too mean to him when I first met him.

"I live just down the road from you. The house 67, you know that?" He changed the subject.

"Do you? Never knew." I looked at my phone to see the time. 'Come on time!!! Hurry up! I just want out of school!'

"Not to be personal or anything.... but how did that rumour start?"

"Someone saw him with him and immediately guessed we were talking because I can't hang around with guys and be friends with them without people thinking we're dating!" I hated when people did this.

When I was in primary I had a best friend who was a boy and I was made fun of because of that but he stuck by my self and helped me through a lot even though he had he's own problem, we both helped each other. Like his parents died when he was really young so we both had the same problem and understood each other. I had an amazing childhood with him but he moved away to an orphanage with he's sister and I never made a friend like him again. Until Ed. He's sweet personal mixed with caring and funny together just made me what him to stay with me forever but things don't last that long just like my Dad.

"Aw! I hate that too! Like what the hell! Like two different genders can't be friends. It's really annoying but hey it's life." He smiled as he's pearl teeth shined.

"Some day I'm taking you up on that offer about me being able to talk to you." I smirked as I grabbed my galaxy backpack.

"You better, I'll love to talk." He smirked back as he handed me over a cookie. I looked at it then shoot him a confused look.

"I noticed you didn't eat anything. So here." He put the cookie in my hand then closed it.

"Thank you." I smiled. I didn't fake it. I properly smiled.


Ello people of the world! New chapter whoop whoop! I had a panicked attack bc I thought I didn't save this chapter today and I was like NOOOO HELL NOO! But lucky it did auto save! THANK GOODNESS!

Hope you enjoy this chapter

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